Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

REVENGE OF THE SLUTS By Natalie WaltonRevenge of the Sluts by Natalie Walton
Published by Wattpad Books on 2/2/21
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 328
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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As lead reporter for The Warrior Weekly, Eden has covered her fair share of stories at St. Joseph Secondary. And when intimate pictures of six female students are anonymously emailed to the entire school, Eden is determined to get to the bottom of it.

In tracking down leads, Eden is shocked to discover not everyone agrees the students are victims. Some people feel the girls "brought it on themselves." Even worse, the school’s administration seems more concerned about protecting its reputation than its students.

With the anonymous sender threatening more emails, Eden finds an unlikely ally: the six young women themselves. Banding together to find the perpetrator, the tables are about to be turned. The Slut Squad is fighting back!

Short and Sweet Review

When intimate pictures of 7 students are sent to the entire school, Eden Jeong the lead reporter for the school paper is given the chance to write about the scandal. After learning that not everyone thinks the girls are victims Eden is shocked. The person who sent the email is threatening to put out more scandalous things and Eden and the 7 girls are determined to find the perpetrator.

During class an email is sent out with the nudes of 7 students. Everyone is shocked but some of that shock turns into victim blaming. Eden is the lead reporter for the Warrior Weekly and she takes the lead on this story. She interviews some of the girls from the email if they’ll even give her the time. The administration doesn’t really do anything about the scandal they decide that it’s best if they keep everything under wraps and try to pretend like there isn’t a problem. Which interferes with the work that Eden is doing because the principal doesn’t even want the story to be reported on. I liked seeing Eden interview the girls and learning how they felt about what happened. One of the girls, Sloane, is kind of like the leader of the girls and they even go on to call themselves the slut squad. Sloane is weary about Eden because she doesn’t really trust anyone and she doesn’t know if Eden actually has good intentions. We see that the more time Eden spends with the girls she ends up learning that their allies.

Eden continues to write about the girls even though she knows it could jeopardize the Weekend Warriors ability to continue writing papers. There’s also a bit of the mystery aspect because obviously they’re trying to find the person who is sending out the emails. The girls try to figure out who the common thread is between them which leads them to a dead end because they don’t seem to have anyone in common.

I enjoyed this book. I loved that Eden and the other writers for the paper took a stand against the administration and continued to write about what they thought was important. I also liked how all the girls banded together, a lot of girl power going on there! This was a good book and kept engaged until the very end!

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