CATACOMB By Madeleine Roux

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CATACOMB By Madeleine RouxCatacomb by Madeleine Roux
Series: Asylum #3
Published by HarperCollins on 9/1/15
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 332
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Sometimes the past is better off buried.

Senior year is finally over. After all they've been through, Dan, Abby, and Jordan are excited to take one last road trip together, and they're just not going to think about what will happen when the summer ends. But on their way to visit Jordan's uncle in New Orleans, the three friends notice that they're being followed . . . and photographed. Then Dan starts receiving messages from someone he didn't expect to hear from again—someone who died last Halloween.

When the trio arrives in New Orleans and the strange occurrences only escalate, Dan is forced to accept that everything that has happened to him in the past year may not be a coincidence, but fate—a fate that ties Dan to a group called the Bone Artists, who have a sinister fascination with notorious killers of the past.

Now Dan's only hope is that he will make it out of his senior trip alive.

Short and Sweet Review

Senior year is over and Dan, Abby, and Jordan reconnect to go on a road trip before starting their first year in college. The group is on their way to New Orleans to visit Jordan’s uncle, but along the way they make a few stops and notice that someone is following them and taking pictures. Things only get worse in New Orleans when a group called the Bone Artists seem to have a connection to Brookline.

This is the last installment in this trilogy. I will admit that this wasn’t my favorite book. The first 25% where they kept stopping so that Abby could take pictures for her project was slow. Dan is getting messages from Micah that are sort of like a warning and one of those texts clues Dan in to the fact that the group is being followed. We also get more information about Dan’s birth parents which I liked. The group meets Oliver and Sabrina, Oliver was a friend of Micah’s and he’s also been getting text. Oliver thinks that Dan can help him repay his debt to the Bone Artists. Jordan and Abby don’t trust Oliver and Sabrina and they were really rude to them and spent most of the book being mad at Dan and blaming him for the things that were happening. Abby and Dan are still dating, but I don’t understand why because there doesn’t seem to be any chemistry between them. The ending was good but it also felt a little rushed.

Overall this was a good book but I think the first two books are the best. The plot is good and I liked the mystery surrounding Dan’s parents and how the Bone Artists had a connection to things that went on at Brookline.

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