HOW TO LOVE By Katie Cotugno

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HOW TO LOVE By Katie CotugnoHow To Love by Katie Cotugno
Published by Balzer + Bray on 10/1/13
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 405
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Before: Reena Montero has loved Sawyer LeGrande for as long as she can remember. But he's never noticed that Reena even exists...until one day, impossibly, he does. Reena and Sawyer fall in messy, complicated love. Then Sawyer disappears without a word, leaving a devastated—and pregnant—Reena behind.

After: Almost three years have passed, and there's a new love in Reena's life: her daughter. Reena's gotten used to life without Sawyer, but just as suddenly as he disappeared, he turns up again. Reena wants nothing to do with him, though she'd be lying if she said his being back wasn't stirring something in her.

After everything that's happened, can Reena really let herself love Sawyer LeGrande again?

Short and Sweet Review

Before: Serena has had a crush on Sawyer for a long time, and once they do get into a relationship it’s complicated and messy. Eventually Sawyer leaves Florida without telling Reena, and he doesn’t know she’s pregnant.

After: Almost three years later Sawyer comes back, but Serena has been just fine without him. Now Serena has to figure out if she wants Sawyer back in her and Hannah’s lives.

How To Love alternates between the past and the present. We see what Serena’s life was like when she and Sawyer get together and the present shows us how Serena has been living life without Sawyer in her life and her parenting a toddler. I found Serena to be obnoxious, she just had awful judgement and the way she would talk to people was so rude and uncalled for. Sawyer in the past was carefree and didn’t care much about things and now that he’s back he’s trying to make an effort. The romance was toxic, Serena and Sawyer fought a lot, and it’s like who would want a relationship like this? I would say most scenes with Serena and Sawyer would end in an argument. It wasn’t cute and it wasn’t a relationship people should want. The book was boring and there was a side story of how Serena’s friend Allie died, Allie was dating Sawyer before Serena.

This is not a book I would read again and at the moment I can’t think of anything redeeming.

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