10 TRUTHS AND A DARE By Ashley Elston

Dani Young 
10 TRUTHS AND A DARE By Ashley Elston10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston
Published by Disney-Hyperion on 5/4/21
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 305
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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It's Senior Party Week, that magical in-between time after classes have ended but before graduation, chock-full of gimmicky theme parties, last-minute bonding, and family traditions. Olivia couldn't be more ready. Class salutatorian and confident in her future at LSU, she's poised to sail through to the next phase of her life. But when the tiny hiccup of an unsigned off-campus P.E. form puts Olivia in danger of not graduating at all, she has one week to set things straight without tipping off her very big and very nosy extended family. Volunteering to help at a local golf tournament should do it, but since Olivia's mom equipped her phone with a tracking app, there'll be no hiding the fact that she's at the golf course instead of all the graduation parties happening at the same time. Unless, that is, she can convince the Fab Four--her ride-or-die cousins and best friends Sophie, Charlie, and Wes--to trade phones with her as they go through the motions of playing Olivia for the week. Sure, Olivia's sudden ""passion"" for golf is met with some suspicion. And sure, her grasp of the rules is a little shaky. And yes, okay, a very cute, very off-limits boy keeps popping up in her orbit. But she is focused! She has a schedule and a plan! Nothing can possibly go wrong . . . right?

Short and Sweet Review

It’s Olivia’s senior year and because its almost graduation its a week filled with parties! Olivia is Salutatorian and ready for college except for one problem, she may not graduate because of an off-campus PE class. Now Olivia has to make up the PE credit and try to avoid anyone in her family finding out. With the help of her cousins and best friends, Charlie, Sophie and Wes, they spend the week trading phones, going to parties, and trying their best to avoid getting caught.

I fell in love with this book! Olivia has a big Italian family and its almost time for graduation and its a week of parties that Olivia is unfortunately missing. After finding out that she may not be graduating Olivia feels like her world is falling apart but after finding Coach Cantu and trying to figure out a way to get him to sign her form to graduate, she ends up making a deal with him and becomes his assistant for the golf tournament for the week. Knowing that her mom is keeping tabs on her every move Olivia plans to trade phones with her cousins and sends them to the parties while she works at the golf club. At the golf club Olivia also starts talking to Leo who’s in the tournament but who has also been staying with her aunt and cousins. I liked these two they mainly just talked and got to know each other but the chemistry was there. My favorite part was watching how Sophie, Charlie, and Wes would man the phone, especially when it came to dealing with Olivia’s mom.

This book was funny and heartfelt and I just fell in love with it! At some point I even found myself crying with Olivia. I just felt for her but this was a fun book and I loved following Olivia and the Fab Four and she just has a great family. Pick this book up, it’s just gets you ready for grad season!

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