Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

LUCY CLARK WILL NOT APOLOGIZE By Margo RabbLucy Clark Will Not Apologize by Margo Rabb
Published by Quill Tree Books on 5/11/21
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 365
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Lucy Clark has had it. After being bullied one too many times, Lucy retaliates. But when the fallout is far worse than she meant it to be, she gets sent to Manhattan to serve as a full-time companion to the eccentric Edith Fox.

Edith is glamorous and mysterious—nothing like Lucy expected. Though Edith’s world of hidden gardens and afternoon teas is beguiling, there’s one other thing about her that makes her unlike anyone Lucy has ever met...she thinks someone is trying to kill her.

And it’s up to Lucy to find out who it is.

Short and Sweet Review

Lucy Clark has had enough of the bullies at her boarding school and after an incident her headmistress decides it’ll be a good idea to send Lucy to New York. There, Lucy will stay with her cousin Nanette and be an assistant to Edith Fox. Once she arrives Lucy finds that Edith isn’t what she expected and that Edith believes that someone is trying to kill her. Now Lucy is trying to stop the weird accidents and find a killer.

Boarding School wasn’t a good experience for Lucy, so when she gets to go to New York its a chance to prove herself. Lucy is staying with her cousin Nanette who is barely around she’s usually off with her boyfriend Cyrus. Lucy’s parents aren’t really around they’re in Hawaii filming a tv show and honestly they aren’t great people. Anyway upon arriving in New York Lucy meets Edith and finds out she’s not a batty old lady but someone is making an attempt on her life. Lucy gets a list of suspects its not too many under 10 and gets help from Mimsy (Edith’s friend), Edith, and Dyna (Lucy’s friend from boarding school).

The mystery is surprisingly more complex than I thought it would be. Lucy had some weird detective strategies. Lucy also has a love interest named Jack and I didn’t like their interactions he was hot and cold sometimes he was nice and other times he wasn’t. I liked the mystery and some of the characters, the setting was great and I loved learning about all the plants and how much time Lucy spent in Mimsy’s garden.

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