Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ALL THESE BODIES By Kendare BlakeAll These Bodies by Kendare Blake
Published by Quill Tree Books on 9/21/21
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 300
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Summer 1958. A gruesome killer plagues the Midwest, leaving behind a trail of bodies completely drained of blood.

Michael Jensen, an aspiring journalist whose father happens to be the town sheriff, never imagined that the Bloodless Murders would come to his backyard. Not until the night the Carlson family was found murdered in their home. Marie Catherine Hale, a diminutive fifteen-year-old, was discovered at the scene—covered in blood. She is the sole suspect in custody.

Michael didn’t think that he would be part of the investigation, but he is pulled in when Marie decides that he is the only one she will confess to. As Marie recounts her version of the story, it falls to Michael to find the truth: What really happened the night that the Carlsons were killed? And how did one girl wind up in the middle of all these bodies?

Short and Sweet Review

It’s the summer of 1958 and a killer is leaving a trail of bodies along the midwest, and these bodies are drained of blood. Michael Jensen wants to be a journalist and his father is the sheriff in town. Michael never thought that the “Bloodless Murders” would come to his small town. But when the Carlson family is murdered and Marie Catherine Hale is at the scene of the crime drenched in blood, Michael is dragged into the investigation. Marie decides that if she’s going to tell her story the only person she’s going to tell it to is Michael.

The book starts off with a thrill we see Marie covered in the victims blood but claiming that she didn’t commit the killings but she also won’t give up who she was with or tell her story so she just looks guilty. Marie will only tell her story to Michael which surprise everyone but obviously he has to do it because its everyones chance to get answers. We see a sort of friendship develop between Michael and Marie which is kind of understandable because they’re the same age but at the same time she could possibly be a serial killer. Anyway Marie is an unreliable story teller and we can see how she weaves a story and how paranoid Michael becomes. This is one of those books that keeps you reading because you want to know what happened and Marie will keep you guessing till the very end because she doesn’t really want to tell her story, it’s almost like she’s buying time.

All These Bodies will keep you engaged until the very end. I will say that I’m still not sure about that ending and even though I finished the book a few days ago I’m still thinking about it.

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