Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

IN EVERY GENERATION By Kendare BlakeIn Every Generation by Kendare Blake
Series: In Every Generation #1
Published by Disney-Hyperion on 1/4/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 388
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Frankie Rosenberg is passionate about the environment, a sophomore at New Sunnydale High School, and the daughter of the most powerful witch in Sunnydale history. Her mom, Willow, is slowly teaching her magic on the condition that she use it to better the world. But Frankie's happily quiet life is upended when new girl Hailey shows up with news that the annual Slayer convention has been the target of an attack, and all the Slayers—including Buffy, Faith, and Hailey's older sister Vi—might be dead. That means it's time for this generation's Slayer to be born. But being the first ever Slayer-Witch means learning how to wield a stake while trying to control her budding powers. With the help of Hailey, a werewolf named Jake, and a hot but nerdy sage demon, Frankie must become the Slayer, prevent the Hellmouth from opening again, and find out what happened to her Aunt Buffy, before she's next. Get ready for a whole new story within the world of Buffy!

Short and Sweet

In every generation there’s a new slayer and this time it happens to be Willow Rosenberg’s daughter, Frankie. After the slayers are attacked at a slayer meeting and presumed dead, Frankie comes into her powers as the slayer and she’s the first slayer-witch. Frankie has to learn fast because as demons and vampires learn that the slayers are dead they’re all coming back to the hellmouth. With the help of her mom, Spike, Oz, best friend Jake, and new comer Hailey, Frankie has to learn to wield a stake and do what others before her have.

Frankie is your basic teenage girl except for the fact that she’s a witch and her best friend Jake is a werewolf. The book starts off with us learning that the slayers have been attacked at a slayer meeting and we don’t even know if they’re alive or not, that’s when Frankie’s powers start to awaken. Hailey’s older sister, Vi, is a slayer and she was at that meeting, not knowing what’s taking her sister so long, Hailey is picked up by Spike and brought to Sunnydale. The problem of finding the slayers is left to Xander and Dawn because in Sunnydale the new Scooby gang has bigger matters to worry about. More demons and vampires are starting to come back to the hell mouth and one vampire in particular is making a hive.

I’ve watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer so I was excited to see what this book had in store. I will say it started off slow for me and there’s a lot of switching POVs of the different characters. I think one of my main problems was how the dialogue at some points felt too juvenile and cheesy like it could be a middle grade instead of a young adult novel. It was fun to see the characters we love from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and this new generation getting advice and training from them. I liked the plot but I don’t think it really picked up for me until we’re halfway through the book. Frankie had a lot to learn and she was unsure of herself. Her biggest problem was that she was trying to be like the other slayers when she just needed to be herself and come into her own. The villain was interesting mainly because she was thought to be a legend but she was very real, and there wasn’t a lot of information on how to get rid of her.

Overall this was a good start to the series. I’m hoping we learn more about what happened to the other slayers and see Frankie be more confident as a slayer. If you liked the show, I think you’ll find this book endearing we see elements from the show that made it lovable in this book and it’s a whole new generation of the Scooby gang!

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