MY FINE FELLOW By Jennieke Cohen

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MY FINE FELLOW By Jennieke CohenMy Fine Fellow by Jennieke Cohen
Published by HarperTeen on 1/11/22
Genres: Historical, Retellings, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 343
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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It’s 1830s England, and Culinarians—doyens who consult with society’s elite to create gorgeous food and confections—are the crème de la crème of high society.

Helena Higgins, top of her class at the Royal Academy, has a sharp demeanor and an even sharper palate—and knows stardom awaits her if she can produce greatness in her final year.

Penelope Pickering is going to prove the value of non-European cuisine to all of England. Her contemporaries may scorn her Filipina heritage and her dishes, but with her flawless social graces and culinary talents, Penelope is set to prove them wrong.

Elijah Little has nothing to his name but a truly excellent instinct for flavors. London merchants won’t allow a Jewish boy to own a shop, so he hawks his pasties for a shilling a piece to passersby—but he knows with training he can break into the highest echelon of society.

When Penelope and Helena meet Elijah, a golden opportunity arises: to pull off a project never seen before, and turn Elijah from a street vendor to a gentleman chef.

But Elijah’s transformation will have a greater impact on this trio than they originally realize—and mayhem, unseemly faux pas, and a little romance will all be a part of the delicious recipe.

Short and Sweet Review

The year is 1830 and culinarians consult with society’s elite to create amazing food. Both Helena and Penelope are in the top of their class at the culinary school. One night both of the girls meet street vendor, Elijah, Helena makes a comment that she can make Elijah a gentleman chef. This becomes Helena’s end of the year project and she know’s if she succeeds only greater things will come in the future. But Elijah’s transformation may be more than the girls originally expected.

We get all three characters POVs and I will say I enjoyed Penelope and Elijah’s over Helena. Helena is one of those people who’s really passionate about what she’s doing but she’s off-putting and I think because she’s higher in society she looks down on people below her. Helena’s goal is to be the best culinarian England has seen. Penelope is half Filipina and she wants to show England that other cuisines have value. Penelope was just an easy character to like she was so nice to everyone and tried to mediate when Helena came off too harsh. Elijah is the street vendor trying to become a gentleman chef and maybe in the end own his own shop if he can impress the right people.

When Helena and Penelope meet Elijah, Helena is not impressed and says she can make him an even better cook and a gentleman. Elijah takes her up on her offer and he begins his lessons in cooking and learning manners to impress society’s upper class. Helena is a tough teacher she wants perfection, when Helena loses her patience Penelope steps in and this is where we see some sparks fly between Penelope and Elijah.

Most of the book involves Elijah’s training and then halfway through we see Elijah show off his training at fairs and cooking for the Princess. I liked seeing the dishes that the trio would prepare.

This retelling was engaging and descriptive. The characters represent different classes and races and it’s just so well done. I couldn’t put this book down!

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