Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THIS WOVEN KINGDOM By Tahereh MafiThis Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi
Series: This Woven Kingdom #1
Published by HarperCollins on 2/1/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Mythology, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 500
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to hide in plain sight.

The crown prince, Kamran, has heard the prophecies foretelling the death of his king. But he could never have imagined that the servant girl with the strange eyes, the girl he can’t put out of his mind, would one day soon uproot his kingdom—and the world.

Short and Sweet Review

Alizeh is the heir to the long lost Jinn kingdom but as of now she works as a servant barely making it by. The Jinn people have been forced into hiding and Alizeh is lucky to be alive and have found work. Kamran is the crown prince and he knows that pretty soon his Grandfather will die and the kingdom will be his, but he doesn’t expect that the servant girl would be the one to uproot his kingdom.

I thought this book started off slow, I think this was due to all the world building and learning about the characters. Alizeh just wants to keep her head down and work, she doesn’t even care about being the heir to the Jinn kingdom she just wants to survive in a world where her people have been killed for being different. Jinn’s have abilities that the Clay people don’t which is one of the reasons they were persecuted. Kamran on the other hand I don’t know what his deal is. He would make rash decisions and he was pompous. I would have preferred if it was just Alizeh’s POV because I just couldn’t stand Kamran. When Kamran and Alizeh meet she is trying to avoid him because she doesn’t need unwanted attention but Kamran can’t stop thinking about her.

Kamran’s grandfather the king decides to host a ball so that Kamran can find his future wife. Kamran doesn’t want to get married to just anyone he wants to marry Alizeh and they only had a few encounters so at this point he doesn’t love her he’s just infatuated with her. During this time Alizeh meets a few allies who want her to take her place as the Jinn queen. There’s a lot of twists that occur in the last five chapters and they were pretty surprising.

This was a decent read I liked the story telling and how things picked up in the end but I could have done without Kamran and his childish behavior and instalove.

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