KILLING TIME By Brenna Ehrlich

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

KILLING TIME By Brenna EhrlichKilling Time by Brenna Ehrlich
Published by Inkyard Press on 3/8/22
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 309
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Summer in Ferry, Connecticut, has always meant long, lazy days at the beach and wild nights partying in the abandoned mansions on the edge of town. Until now, that is.

Natalie Temple, who’s never been one for beaches or parties in the first place, is reeling from the murder of her favorite teacher, and there’s no way this true-crime-obsessed girl is going to sit back and let the rumor mill churn out lie after lie—even if she has to hide her investigation from her disapproving mom and team up with the new boy in town…

But the more Natalie uncovers, the more she realizes some secrets were never meant to be told.

Short and Sweet Review

Natalie Temple isn’t like the other kids in town she’s into true crime and murder so much so that the other people in town think she’s weird. When her favorite teacher is murdered Natalie’s world is rocked but she also uses this as a chance to start her own investigation.

Where do I even start? Natalie loves true crime, she was in the true crime club at school until her mom found out and she has a podcast about true crime and murders with her best friend Katie. When her favorite teacher dies Natalie knows she has to investigate. Natalie is probably the worst detective, obviously she’s not experienced but the amount of mistakes she would make just made me shake my head. She would make rash decisions and her intuition wasn’t the best. Also we have the POV of her mother from 20 years ago when her mom was in high school. We see that her mother is also dealing with a murder and she’s not investigating but she’s a reporter. This POV shows us more of why Helen is so protective over Natalie and doesn’t want her mixed up in anything like murder investigations. Natalie also meets Kurt he’s weird but he’s her romantic interest in this book. He added nothing but weird vibes and everyone thought he was sketchy expect for Natalie (again bad decisions).

Honestly this book fell short of my expectations way short. Natalie was not a character I liked I would not want to solve another murder with her. The conversations between her and her mom were horrible it was too much over protectiveness from one and rebelling from the other. The ending was horrible, like the motive from the suspect was just nonsense, but I guess people have done worse with less. This is not a book I would recommend, I wanted to put it down multiple times but decided to push through. The characters especially Natalie, Helen, and Kurt were hard to like and some of the things that happened were just a result of bad and stupid decisions.

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