A FORGERY OF ROSES By Jessica S. Olson

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A FORGERY OF ROSES By Jessica S. OlsonA Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson
Published by Inkyard Press on 3/29/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 397
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Myra has a gift many would kidnap, blackmail, and worse to control: she’s a portrait artist whose paintings alter people’s bodies. Guarding that secret is the only way to keep her younger sister safe now that their parents are gone. But one frigid night, the governor’s wife discovers the truth and threatens to expose Myra if she does not complete a special portrait that would resurrect the governor's dead son.

Once she arrives at the legendary stone mansion, however, it becomes clear the boy’s death was no accident. A killer stalks these halls--one disturbingly obsessed with portrait magic. Desperate to get out of the manor as quickly as possible, Myra turns to the governor’s older son for help completing the painting before the secret she spent her life concealing makes her the killer’s next victim.

Short and Sweet Review

Myra has a gift, she is a prodigy and her paintings can alter people’s bodies. Recently prodigies have gone missing and Myra knows she can’t risk anyone finding out who she is, after all she has to take care of her younger sister Lucy. Unfortunately for Myra the governor’s wife discovers her secret and threatens to expose Myra unless she paints a portrait of her son. The portrait needs to resurrect the governor’s dead son and Myra only has four days to do it. Upon arriving at the Governors manor Myra knows that something isn’t right about Will’s death and knows that there’s a killer out there.

A Forgery of Roses was a book that I did not want to put down. I loved the premise and the world. Myra is able to paint special portraits which can alter people’s bodies. Myra has to keep this ability hidden because prodigies aren’t safe. When Myra begins her work at the manor she knows that something isn’t right and that’s when she enlists August’s help, the governors oldest son. Together the two uncover secrets and meet some shady characters. I think August had a lot of character development, Myra also had some. Myra’s main goal was to complete this portrait so that she could get the money to better take care of Lucy, who has an illness that has not been diagnosed. Lucy was also a good character she was smart and helped with trying to find out what happened to Will even if it was from a distance. I really liked seeing Myra work her magic through her paintings, the magic system her was intriguing. There were a few twist at the end which I was not expecting but it was great. Overall I was satisfied and would recommend this book. The magic system, the world, the characters, and the mystery, just pop and will keep you reading and wanting more!

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