OMENS BITE By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

OMENS BITE By P.C. Cast and Kristin CastOmens Bite by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast
Series: Sisters of Salem #2
Published by Wednesday Books on 4/5/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Mythology, Supernatural, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Twin sisters, Mercy and Hunter are witches, direct descendants of the Goode family, the founders of their town. After the murder of their mother at the hands of a foul demon, they have become the protectors of the Gates to different underworlds--ancient portals between their world and realms where mythology rules and the darkest of creatures exist.

Grief has taken a terrible toll on the twins. Rather than bringing them together, their sadness has torn them apart, driving Mercy to attempt to save the crumbling Gates without her twin and Hunter into the arms of a dangerous goddess. While Mercy looks for aid from Khenti, Guardian of the Egyptian Underworld, Hunter begins to realize the goddess she’s allied with is more monster than deity. She needs her sister’s help, but Mercy is beyond her reach on an adventure that could cost them everything, including their world.

Short and Sweet Review

Omens Bite picks up right where Spells Trouble ended. Hunter and Mercy still aren’t getting along and at this point I think it’s petty and quite obnoxious. Hunter doesn’t want to be around Mercy and blames her for making her forsake her God Tyr. Mercy thinks Hunter needs to grow up. Its funny because Mercy says some pretty crappy things to Hunter but when Hunter serves it right back Mercy starts crying and wants to know how Hunter can be so mean to her. Anyway the girls are still trying to figure out what’s going on with the gates but separately. Mercy starts spending more time with Khenti the guardian of the Egyptian underworld. While Hunter is being used by her new Goddess Amphitrite. The first half of the book was good and I really had high hopes that I would like this book more than the first but then the second half happened and I was disappointed but not surprised. Also there’s a few chapters where Kirk had his POV and honestly he is one of the worst people and he had an encounter with Mercy that just made me uncomfortable. His whole M.O. in this book is trying to convince everyone that Mercy and Hunter are witches but he just comes across as crazy. Xena the cat person is in this book and she also makes me very uncomfortable. She’s just so weird when she’s in her human form she still acts like a cat licking people and hissing its just very off-putting. If she was like Salem from Sabrina a cat that can talk I would be okay with it but her changing into a human and doing the weirdest things just… gross! So the book leaves off on a cliffhanger Mercy needs Hunters help and Hunter needs to find a way to get rid of Amphitrite. This book had a lot of potential but I was put off by the cat and Mercy and Hunter’s petty fighting. I will read the next book because I’m already so far in so what do I have to lose?

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