MELT by Selene Castroville

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MELT by Selene CastrovilleMelt by Selene Castrovilla
Published by WestSide Books on 2011
Pages: 328
Source: Publisher

Reviewed by Dani

Tells in alternating chapters of prose and free verse what happens when privileged, sixteen-year-old Dorothy falls in love with Joey, an abused teenager with a violent past.

Told in dual first person, Joey’s words are scattered on the page – reflecting his broken state. Dorothy is the voice of reason – until something so shattering happens that she, too, may lose her grip. Can their love endure, or will it melt away?
Melt was an amazing read, I think It’s one of my new favorites for this year. The prologue of this book was so gripping after I read it I could not put this book down. We were first introduced to Joey, a teen that has a bad reputation and a bad situation at home. Then there’s Dorothy, the sweet girl who’s new to town. When Joey and Dorothy are together they have this amazing chemistry that just clicks. The book has two points of view Joey’s and Dorothy’s. Joey’s point of view was so heart breaking I felt like I was there with him seeing what he saw. I loved Dorothy’s point of view too but I just preferred Joey’s. The writing is amazing I felt like I was there with the characters. I had so many emotions while reading this book. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it!

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