TOP TEN By Katie Cotugno

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

TOP TEN By Katie CotugnoTop Ten by Katie Cotugno
Published by Balzer + Bray on 10/3/17
Genres: Contemporary, LGBT, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Ryan McCullough and Gabby Hart are the unlikeliest of best friends. Prickly, anxious Gabby would rather do literally anything than go to a party. Ultra-popular Ryan is a hockey star who can get any girl he wants—and frequently does.

But somehow their relationship just works; from dorky Monopoly nights to rowdy house parties to the top ten lists they make about everything under the sun.

Now, on the night of high school graduation, everything is suddenly changing—in their lives, and in their relationship. As they try to figure out what they mean to each other and where to go from here, they make a final top ten list: this time, counting down the top ten moments of their friendship.

Short and Sweet Review

Gabby and Ryan are polar opposites but somehow it works because they’re also best friends, they like playing monopoly on Friday nights and going to house parties and making top ten list. Now its the night of high school graduation and they decide to make a top ten list of the moments of their friendship.

This book was a HOT MESS. I didn’t even know what was going on half the time because the timeline is all over the place. Gabby is an unlikeable character, she struggles with anxiety which is understandable but the way she treats people just got on my nerves. If someone told her something that was true but not what she wanted to her she would basically shut down and go off. Ryan is just your basic jock boy. I don’t understand how this was supposed to show “top ten moments of their friendship” because all I got was an insight into their toxic relationship. Most of these moments just showed them fighting and saying hurtful things to each other. I was hoping that this would get better but it just got worse. I didn’t think I would be reading about “friends” who fight almost every time they’re together and at one point they even stopped talking for five months. Nothing about this book was charming and it does not show relationship goals. I would say that Gabby and Ryan don’t make a good couple but I’m not even sure if they make good friends. Katie Cotugno books are hit or miss for me and this one was a big miss and all I wanted was to finish this book as fast as possible and forget the dumpster fire that it was and the awful characters that I couldn’t even remotely relate to. I don’t recommend this book, it wasn’t what I was expecting from a “romance” novel.

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