WE ALL FALL DOWN By Natalie D. Richards

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WE ALL FALL DOWN By Natalie D. RichardsWe All Fall Down by Natalie D. Richards
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 10/3/17
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Theo's always been impulsive. But telling Paige how he feels? He's obsessed over that decision. And it's time. Tonight. At the party on the riverbank, under the old walking bridge, site of so many tales of love and death.

Paige has had a crush on Theo since they first met, but she knows her feelings are one-sided. She's trying to move on, to flirt. A party at the river is just what she needs. Except a fight breaks out, and when Paige tries to intervene―Theo's fist lands in her face.

All Theo and Paige want to do is forget that fateful night. But strange events keep drawing them back to the bridge. Someone, something is determined to make them remember...and pay for what they each did.

Sweet and Short Review

Theo and Paige used to be best friends until there was a physical assault at a party and then they went their separate ways. Now Paige is taking a college course checking water sources and Theo is working with his uncle on the bridge where the altercation took place, Theo and Paige cross paths and now they’re both being haunted by memories of that night.

This book was a hot mess like I don’t even have words to describe how ridiculous this book is. Theo and Paige both have something going on, he has ADHD and Paige has severe anxiety and she sleep walks and they both blame these things on why they’re hearing things on the bridge. Paige and Theo both like each other but Theo is basically forced to stay away and Paige just makes things awkward by always bring up how bad they are for each other and she does it every time they’re around each other and it gets pretty old. Eventually Theo meets a kid Gabriel who seems to know about the bridge and who can try to help him figure out why he’s hearing. fragments of the argument from the night he got in the fight at the party. At this point Paige is losing her grip on reality and Theo just wants to believe what he wants so Gabriels input is basically irrelevant. The ending was welcome because I didn’t know how much more I could take. The explanation of the haunting made absolutely no sense. It would have been better if it was just a haunted bridge and the two characters had to figure out what happened, but no apparently Paige just carries around so much bad energy that she feeds the bridge its power to haunt people. That would have made more sense maybe if Paige was into voodoo but no she’s just a girl with bad vibes. Wouldn’t recommend this book and I’m just glad I don’t have to look back because these characters offer nothing but one more hummingbird in the cuckoo’s nest vibes and the haunted bridge plot didn’t work.

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