Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THIS WICKED FATE By Kalynn BayronThis Wicked Fate by Kalynn Bayron
Series: This Poison Heart #2
Published by Bloomsbury YA on 6/21/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, LGBT, Mythology, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 313
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Briseis has one chance to save her mother, but she'll need to do the impossible: find the last fragment of the deadly Absyrtus Heart. To locate the missing piece, she must turn to the blood relatives she's never known, learn about their secret powers, and take her place in their ancient lineage.
But Briseis is not the only one who wants the Heart, and her enemies will stop at nothing to fulfill their own ruthless plans. The fates tell of a truly dangerous journey, one that could end in more heartache, more death. Strengthened by the sisterhood of ancient magic, can Briseis harness her power to save the people she loves most?

Short and Sweet Review

This Wicked Fate picks up right where This Poison Heart ended. Circe is alive but Briseis mom is dead, but she does have a chance to get her back if she can get all of the pieces of the Absyrtus heart together. With the relatives she’s just met Briseis will go on a journey to places that people thought were just stories to get her mom back.

This was such a good conclusion! Breseis gets to meet Circe her maternal aunt and Persephone a family member who like Marie has immortality because of the Absyrtus heart. There’s a lot of teamwork between the characters and even some of the secondary characters offering their support was heartwarming. I love that this feels like a scavenger hunt and at some points some of the tasks may have felt impossible for the characters but they never gave up. My favorite thing about this book was the mythology that was mixed in, I learned a lot about mythological characters that aren’t mentioned or are very popular. There was a lot of sacrifices that were made and forgiveness given. I loved that Marie and Persephone were willing to give up certain things they were both very selfless. Breseis also learned that its okay to have both, that it was okay to love her moms but also let in the relatives from her birth moms side, the connection Breseis makes with Circe was beautiful.

Overall this book was epic and I loved every minute of it! If you get a chance put everything down and read this duology it’s worth it!

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