VENGEANCE by Megan Miranda

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

VENGEANCE by Megan MirandaVengeance by Megan Miranda
Series: Fracture #2
Published by Bloomsbury USA Childrens on 2/4/14
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Romance, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Nobody really believes in a curse. Until you know the people who disappear. Too much coincidence, you look for reason. Too much death, you grasp for something to blame. Carson pulled Delaney out and he died on the side of the road with her mouth pressed to his. Her air in his body. Troy. She told the cops it was suicide. Didn't matter. The lake released her and grabbed another. But when Decker's father dies in a pool of spilled water on their kitchen floor, all Decker can feel is a slow burning rage. Because he knows that Delaney knew that his dad was going to die. She knew and backed out of his house and never said a word. Falcon Lake still has a hold on them both, and Decker can't forgive Delaney until he knows why.

Vengeance by Megan Miranda is the sequel to Fracture, and this time the book is in Decker’s point of view. After the events from the last book everyone thinks Falcon Lake is haunted and is waiting to get its revenge. Decker loses someone close to him and Delaney knew it would happen, so Decker takes his anger out on Delaney, until mysterious things start to happen to them and their friends. Of course after these things start to happen everyone thinks the curse of Falcon Lake is coming to get them, and it’s especially trying to get Delaney.

In this book Decker has a lot of anger towards Delaney for keeping a secret from him. He acts harshly towards her, but you can tell deep down he really cares about her. The rest of the characters in the book set the tone of the book because they honestly feel like the curse is coming for them and now they have this fear towards Falcon Lake. Vengeance for me was a page turner because I couldn’t wait to read what was going to happen next. Vengeance had an unexpected but great ending. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal, thrillers, and mysteries. If Megan Miranda wrote another book I would buy it. (;

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