Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD 2: FRENDO LIVES By Adam CesareClown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives by Adam Cesare
Series: Clown in a Cornfield #2
Published by HarperTeen on 8/23/22
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 414
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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After barely making it out of the Kettle Springs cornfields alive, Quinn’s first year away at college should be safe and easy. All she wants is to be normal again.

But instead, Quinn finds that her past won’t leave her alone when she becomes the focus of online conspiracy theories that claim the Kettle Springs Massacre never happened. It’s a deranged but relentless fantasy, and there’s nothing Quinn can do to get people to hear the truth—not even on her own campus or in her own dorm room.

So when a murderous clown attacks Quinn at a frat party while another goes after her father in Kettle Springs at the same time, Quinn realizes that the facts alone are never going to save her. Her only option is to go back into the cornfields, back where the nightmare began, to set the record straight the only way she knows how. Because when the truth gets lost in the lies, that’s when people start to die.

Short and Sweet Review

After making it out of Kettle Spring during the night of the massacre, Quinn is trying move on with her life and now she’s in her first year of college in Philadelphia. Back in Kettle Springs Quinn’s dad, Glenn is now the Mayor and he has a lot of things to clean up. In Philly Quinn’s friends Rust and Cole come up to visit and at a party they see someone dressed as Frendo who is specifically looking to attack those three. Funny enough there’s another Frendo in Kettle Springs who attacks Mayor Glenn. After these attacks Quinn knows she has to go back to Kettle Springs to figure out what’s going on and end it once and for all.

Obviously all the characters have been through something terrifying and Quinn, Rust, and Cole make it their mission to know how to defend themselves and also stay away from people who seem like fans or people who would want to attack them. So when these Frendo’s start popping up again and demand that the three turn themselves in everyone is wondering what’s going on. I’ll tell you when a whole bunch of conspiracy theorists get online and go on a forum and see people who believe the same things they do, things get wild. In this case it gets intense and crazy. There’s a group of Frendo’s who believe that Quinn, Rust, and Cole were in the wrong that night in the cornfields and now the Frendo’s are demanding justice. This book delivers the gruesome and bloody scenes just like the first and still has the ability to keep you on the edge of your seat. It was hard seeing the three get split up because these Frendo’s were relentless, but we get to see how resilient the three have become and they’re done putting up with nonsense.

At first I thought the book started of slow and I wasn’t into all the POVs, but once we see the first attack the ball really gets rolling. This book had everything the first had, and if you loved the first book you’ll love the sequel. I loved the ending and seeing Quinn go on her own little mission for vengeance. This book will keep your attention and this new group of deranged Frendo’s will really make you wonder what is wrong with people. I enjoyed this sequel and who knows maybe there will be a Clown in a Cornfield 3, I wouldn’t mind seeing Quinn and friends go around taking down some clowns.

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