SEE ME by Susan Hatler

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SEE ME by Susan HatlerSee Me by Susan Hatler
Series: Zombie Love #1
Published by Hatco Publishing on 2014-11-21
Genres: Action & Adventure, Love & Romance, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 181
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Reviewed by Dani

Amy Love, a high school junior, plays a Ouija board with friends one night and unintentionally connects with someone whose, well, not visible to the naked eye. When her body’s taken over and her soul is stuck watching helplessly—she’s terrified. When the zombie guzzles bologna that she will have to work off at the gym—she’s angry. And, when her zombied body pulls up a news article on her laptop about a boy named Jonathan Miller who was recently in a car crash—she’s . . . intrigued. When the zombie chooses another host, Amy learns that the zombie is actually teen Jonathan Miller, son of the famous Maisy's Meow comic creator Jacob Miller. Jonathan tells Amy he doesn’t know whether he’s dead or alive, only that when he’s not in a body, she is the only one who seems to know he exists. Amy decides to help Jonathan discover what happened to him and, when they can’t find his body, they try to find a substitute—preferably one that isn’t occupied. On the journey, Jonathan leads Amy into all kinds of danger. To her surprise, he also leads her heart to somewhere unexpected. She’s always heard of love at first sight, not love at first fright, but how can Amy be falling for a boy she’s never even seen?

Amy and her friends play with a Ouija board and weird things start to happen to Amy, like pencils moving, and feeling like someone is watching her. When Amy’s body is taken over by a ghost she tries to figure out what it wants. The ghost pulls up an article about a boy named Jonathan Miller, Amy is interested and decides to help Jonathan find his body.  However, when Amy and Jonathan can’t find his body they end up on an adventure to find one that he can use. I loved See Me it’s a Must Read. It was a short and captivating read. Once I really got into it I couldn’t stop reading it. I fell in love with Amy and Jonathan especially how their connection grew during their journey of trying to find Jonathan a body. I also liked Amy’s friends even though they didn’t believe Amy at first they stuck by her side and helped her. The ending was AMAZING! See Me is a book I would read again I would recommend this book!

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