ALMOST THERE By Farrah Rochon

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ALMOST THERE By Farrah RochonAlmost There by Farrah Rochon
Series: A Twisted Tale #13
Published by Disney-Hyperion on 9/6/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Retellings, Young Adult
Pages: 464
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Sometimes life in the Big Easy is tough. No one knows that better than Tiana, though she also believes that hard work can go a long way. But when the notorious Dr. Facilier backs her into a corner, she has no choice but to accept an offer that will alter the course of her life in an instant.

Soon Tiana finds herself in a new reality where all her deepest desires are realized: she finally gets her restaurant, her friends are safe and sound, and most miraculous of all, her beloved father is still alive. She's got everything she's ever wanted. . . .

But after a while, her hometown grows increasingly eerie, with new threats cropping up in unlikely places. Navigating through this strange new New Orleans, Tiana must work alongside Naveen and Charlotte to set things right―or risk losing everything she holds dear.

Short and Sweet Review

Almost There takes place where Tiana has the choice to make a deal with Dr. Facilier, where in the movie she didn’t. Now Tiana has her father back, has a restaurant, and Louis is human. The deal Tiana made has obviously ruined the balance of the universe and some its coming to collect to make things right.

Tiana is one of my favorite Disney princesses, but she was just off-putting in this book, I really didn’t like her which made me sad. Tiana makes the deal and we see her basically a year later living her dreams of owning her restaurant and having her dad by her side, but now that its been a year Dr. Facilier and his friends on the other side want Tiana to pay up, weird things start happening down in the Big Easy and only Tiana can fix it. Tiana has always been a hard worker she was like that in the movie too but now she really doesn’t take breaks and she was rude to Charlotte and Naveen, she even went as far as ducking them while they were dining in her restaurant. Charlotte, Naveen, and Louis just wanted to help Tiana but she just wanted to do everything on her own and she would snap at them. One part that annoyed me the most was when Tiana found someone that could help her but then she wanted to dismiss that person and say they couldn’t be trusted. Like Tiana is the last person who should be deciding who is trustworthy after making a deal with the shadow man. Another thing that upset me was the deal Tiana made not only did it bring her what she wanted but she affect other peoples lives without a second to consider what they wanted. The ending was okay I guess, I felt bad for some of the characters who were still affected by the choice Tiana made.

I think this book was just okay it wasn’t great and it wasn’t bad but it made me think about how much I really appreciated the movie and how Tiana was portrayed there.

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