GALLANT By V.E. Schwab

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

GALLANT By V.E. SchwabGallant by V.E. Schwab
Published by Greenwillow Books on 3/1/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Gothic, Horror & Ghost Stories, Young Adult
Pages: 330
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Olivia Prior has grown up in Merilance School for Girls, and all she has of her past is her mother’s journal—which seems to unravel into madness. Then, a letter invites Olivia to come home to Gallant. Yet when Olivia arrives, no one is expecting her. But Olivia is not about to leave the first place that feels like home; it doesn’t matter if her cousin Matthew is hostile, or if she sees half-formed ghouls haunting the hallways.

Olivia knows that Gallant is hiding secrets, and she is determined to uncover them. When she crosses a ruined wall at just the right moment, Olivia finds herself in a place that is Gallant—but not. The manor is crumbling, the ghouls are solid, and a mysterious figure rules over all. Now Olivia sees what has unraveled generations of her family, and where her father may have come from.

Olivia has always wanted to belong somewhere, but will she take her place as a Prior, protecting our world against the Master of the House? Or will she take her place beside him?

Short and Sweet Review

Olivia lives at the Merilance School for Girls and the only thing she has from her past is her mothers journal. When a letter arrives at the school for Olivia from her Uncle inviting her to come home to Gallant, but when Olivia arrives there no one is expecting her to be there and her cousin Matthew wants nothing to do with her. Gallant has ghost wandering the hallways and there are a lot of secrets waiting to be uncovered. There’s also a place like Gallant but different where the ghost are solid and there who rules the place. Olivia just wants somewhere to fit in and she’s hoping it’s at Gallant.

This was such a weird book I don’t even know what to say in this review. Olivia is mute so she has to sign. The three people residing at Gallant weren’t expecting her and only two of them are welcoming. There’s ghost and then there’s other ghost in like a different dimension? Olivia wants to be apart of a family but there was no build up to a relationship between her, Edgar, Hannah, or Matthew. The strange figure who is the villain doesn’t appear until 60% through and I’m still not sure what his purpose was but to be evil in a different dimension.

I’m just not sure what I read at all. It was an okay book I just wish there was more to it. I feel like nothing really happened. I thought this book would be a good read especially because Halloween is right around the corner but there was nothing spooky or chilling about this book. I wish I liked this book more than I did but it just felt like it was missing a lot of substance.

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