Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SPELLS FOR LOST THINGS By Jenna Evans WelchSpells for Lost Things by Jenna Evans Welch
Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on 9/27/22
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Willow has never felt like she belonged anywhere and is convinced that the only way to find a true home is to travel the world. But her plans to act on her dream are put on hold when her aloof and often absent mother drags Willow to Salem, Massachusetts, to wrap up the affairs of an aunt Willow didn’t even know she had. An aunt who may or may not have been a witch.

There, she meets Mason, a loner who’s always felt out of place and has been in and out of foster homes his entire life. He’s been classified as one of the runaways, constantly searching for ways to make it back to his mom; even if she can’t take care of him, it’s his job to try and take care of her. Isn’t it?

Naturally pulled to one another, Willow and Mason set out across Salem to discover the secret past of Willow’s mother, her aunt, and the ambiguous history of her family. During all of this, the two can’t help but act on their natural connection. But with the amount of baggage between them—and Willow’s growing conviction her family might be cursed—can they manage to hold onto each other?

Short and Sweet Review

Willow doesn’t feel like she belongs and she feels like the only way to find her place in the world is to travel. But things are put on hold when her mother takes her to Salem Massachusetts to settle her aunts estate, an aunt that Willow didn’t even know existed. Mason on the other hand has been in and out of foster homes and his main goal is to find his mom, Mason knows she can’t take care of him but he’s okay with the idea of taking care of her.

Willow’s mom is there but she’s not really there, so when they arrive in Salem Willow has a lot of questions about her moms past life which her mom just avoids answering most of the time. Willow discovers that she has aunts and family in Salem and she reconnects with her great aunts and learns that there’s a curse on her family and she has to find the letters her aunt Sage left behind to break it. Which is how she meets Mason he’s supposed to be the helper and help her find the other letters. Together these two learn a lot about themselves. Willow learns that she has family and that she doesn’t need to leave the states to find a place where she belongs because what she truly wanted was family and Mason learns that even if he doesn’t have his mom he can accept his foster family.

This was a cute book and I liked seeing how the characters realized how important family is whether or not its by blood. The witchy elements were also cute. I liked the ending and I appreciated Mason and Willows stories.

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