FAIREST OF ALL By Serena Valentino

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

FAIREST OF ALL By Serena ValentinoFairest of All by Serena Valentino
Series: Villains #1
Published by Disney Press on 2/14/12
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Retellings, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 268
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Why exactly is the wicked Queen so nasty, particularly to Snow White? Perhaps it has something to do with the creepy-looking man in the magic mirror who's not just some random spooky visage...

Short and Sweet Review

Fairest of All tells the story of the Evil Queen before she became the Evil Queen. We see the queen earlier in life when she marries the king and becomes Snow Whites step mother. Snow White and the queen have a good relationship she tries to be a mother to Snow White while also trying not to replace memories of Snow Whites mom. The King goes off to war but before he leaves he gifts the queen with a mirror that ends up being enchanted. I feel like we all know what happens from here but the Queen begins talking to the mirror and that’s when her descent into the Evil Queen begins. The Evil Queen wants more power and beauty and eventually she becomes unrecognizable to those who she used to love the most.

This was a short book and easy to read. It was an interesting retelling and I liked seeing the beginning of her story and how she became the villain we know her as today.

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