Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE CARNELIAN CROW By Colleen GleasonThe Carnelian Crow by Colleen Gleason
Series: Stoker & Holmes #4
Published by Avid Press on 7/11/17
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 282
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Ever since the debacle of the Chess Queen Enigma, Mina Holmes and Evaline Stoker have laid low, trying to settle back into their quiet lives as young ladies of London. But the Holmesian deductive abilities won't remain dormant for long, and when Mina receives a strange package from a winged, midnight visitor, she is catapulted into a new, dangerous adventure: the search for The Carnelian Crow.

Meanwhile, Evaline has received some very disturbing news--news that will change her life forever. Along with that unpleasant knowledge is the strange disappearance of her nemesis, the disreputable pickpocket Pix.

When it becomes clear the arch-villainess the Ankh has made her next move, it will take all of Mina's Holmesian ingenuity and Evaline's courage and determination to stop the criminal from executing her boldest and most dangerous plan yet!

Short and Sweet Review

Mina and Evaline are back. After what happened with the Chess Queen Enigma the girls have been laying low but after Mina receives a package she and Evaline are on the search for the Carnelian Crow.

In this book we see the girls try to figure out what the Carnelian Crow is and its importance. The Ankh is also back and is making her next book. Evaline’s family is having financial problems so her sister in law is trying to find her someone rich to marry. This book was pretty short and I don’t think there was a lot going on. The girls did more detective work on their own in this book and it was nice to see their investigation skills and how they got out of certain situations. We see characters from the past books and I liked seeing Mina and Grayling together. The ending was probably the best part because there was a lot of action, it did end on a cliffhanger so I’m interested to see how it all ends in the next book.

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