H2O By Virginia Bergin

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

H2O By Virginia BerginH2O by Virginia Bergin
Series: The Rain #1
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 10/7/14
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 354
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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.27 is a number Ruby hates. It's a number that marks the percentage of the population that has survived. It's a number that means she's one of the "lucky" few still standing. And it's a number that says her father is probably dead.

Against all odds, Ruby has survived the catastrophic onset of the killer rain. Two weeks after the radio started broadcasting the warning, "It's in the rain. It's fatal and there's no cure," the drinkable water is running out. Ruby's left with two options: persevere on her own or embark on a treacherous journey across the country to find her father—if he's even still alive.

Short and Sweet Review

Ruby is hanging out at a friends house when the panic begins that something is wrong with the rain and it ends up being all the water. The rain is deadly and one drop hitting you could kill you, Ruby ends up surviving but its been two weeks since the initial rain storm that started everything and now drinkable water is running out. Now Ruby has decide whether she wants to stick it out on her own or try to go to London and find her dad.

This was an interesting book because it’s all about your survival instincts and Ruby has to learn to think about herself if she’s going to make it. After the first storm, Ruby was with her mom, baby brother, and step dad, but eventually it’s just Ruby. When it’s just Ruby that’s when I thought the book started to pick up mainly because we get to see how she’s going to survive on her own and make the trip to London. Eventually she meets up with someone from school Darius and a girl that he found and they begin to travel with Ruby. This is where things started to go downhill. I thought Ruby was better off on her own, there was nothing wrong with Darius he honestly had a lot of good input but for some reason Ruby always wanted to argue with him, most of their dialogue was Ruby shouting at him. She also started to make some questionable decisions. The book is written in a way in which its Ruby writing about her experience. I didn’t mind the writing style but I did mind how a promising character seemed to forget what she should be focusing on.

Overall the premise is interesting and I may read the sequel just to see how everything ends.

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