FOUR DAYS OF YOU AND ME By Miranda Kenneally

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

FOUR DAYS OF YOU AND ME By Miranda KenneallyFour Days of You and Me by Miranda Kenneally
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 5/5/20
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 356
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Every May 7th, the students at Coffee County High School take a class trip. And every year, Lulu's relationship with Alex Rouvelis gets a little more complicated. Freshman year they went from sworn enemies to more than friends after a close encounter in an escape room. It's been hard for Lulu to quit Alex ever since.

Through break-ups, make-ups, and dating other people, each year's class trip brings the pair back together and forces them to confront their undeniable connection. From the science museum to Six Flags, New York City to London, Lulu learns one thing is for sure: love is the biggest trip of all.

Are Lulu and Alex meant to be, or are they better apart?

Short and Sweet Review

Four Days of You and Me follows the relationship between Lulu and Alex. It’s over the course of four years so I’m not sure why the title is four days but that’s a problem for another day. Each year their class takes a field trip and each year Lulu and Alex’s relationship gets a little more complicated.

The premise sounded cute but the more I read the more I thought that these characters were toxic! I like the idea of going on a new field trip each year and seeing how their relationship progressed but they were both dramatic and kind of self centered. I also didn’t like how it would alternate from past to present it just seemed all over the place. We see Lulu and Alex date to them breaking up to Lulu being jealous if he’s with someone else even though she broke up with him it was just a headache. It was a constant “he loves me he loves me not,” situation with the two of them. At the end of the book I thought they should have just gone their separate ways. These two are not a couple that I liked or even shipped, there was no connection it was just a hot mess.

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