Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THAT WEEKEND By Kara ThomasThat Weekend by Kara Thomas
Published by Delacorte Press on 6/29/21
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 324
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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It was supposed to be the perfect prom weekend getaway. But it's clear something terrible happened when Claire wakes up alone and bloodied on a hiking trail with no memory of the past forty-eight hours.

Now everyone wants answers--most of all, Claire. She remembers Friday night, but after that . . . nothing. And now Kat and Jesse--her best friends--are missing.

What happened on the mountain? And where are Kat and Jesse? Claire knows the answers are buried somewhere in her memory. But as she's learning, everyone has secrets--even her best friends. And she's pretty sure she's not going to like what she remembers.

Short and Sweet Review

Instead of going to prom, Claire and her two friends Jesse and Kat decide to go on a camping trip. When Claire wakes up she doesn’t remember the past two days and she doesn’t know where Jesse and Kat are. Everyone wants answers but Claire wants them the most and its hard with her memory loss, but the more she digs the more she realizes that her friends were hiding something.

The plot of the book is interesting but I just didn’t like the book as much as I thought I would. Claire wakes up with no memory of the past two days and now her friends are missing. Claire was obviously frustrated because she didn’t have any answers but she made dumb decisions like telling people things about the investigation and then wondered why she was being dragged on the news. I also didn’t like the time jumps we go from two days before the camping trip to the present then six months later and then we switch POVs and it goes to the past and then the present. I feel like the time jumping made the story seem like it was all over the place. I get Kat and Jesse’s reason for going camping in the first place and honestly Claire kind of sucked as a person because in the end she made it all about her.

I think my main issue with this book was Claire, I couldn’t connect with her at all and she was very self absorbed. This book was a definite miss for me.

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