SORCERY OF THORNS By Margaret Rogerson

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SORCERY OF THORNS By Margaret RogersonSorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Series: Sorcery of Thorns #1
Published by Margaret K. McElderry Books on 6/4/19
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 457
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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All sorcerers are evil. Elisabeth has known that as long as she has known anything. Raised as a foundling in one of Austermeer’s Great Libraries, Elisabeth has grown up among the tools of sorcery—magical grimoires that whisper on shelves and rattle beneath iron chains. If provoked, they transform into grotesque monsters of ink and leather.

Then an act of sabotage releases the library’s most dangerous grimoire, and Elisabeth is implicated in the crime. With no one to turn to but her sworn enemy, the sorcerer Nathaniel Thorn, and his mysterious demonic servant, she finds herself entangled in a centuries-old conspiracy. Not only could the Great Libraries go up in flames, but the world along with them.

As her alliance with Nathaniel grows stronger, Elisabeth starts to question everything she’s been taught—about sorcerers, about the libraries she loves, even about herself. For Elisabeth has a power she has never guessed, and a future she could never have imagined.

Short and Sweet Review

Elisabeth has grown up in one of Austermeer’s Great Libraries, the libraries contain grimoires that can whisper and shake on the shelves and if they’re provoked they can turn into monsters of ink and leather. One night someone releases one of the library’s most dangerous book and Elisabeth is blamed for the crime. Unfortunately Elisabeth has no one to turn to except for a sorcerer named Nathaniel Thorn and this is hard for Elisabeth because she has grown up thinking that all sorcerers are evil. Now Elisabeth is entangled in a conspiracy that spans centuries and she has to figure out how to make things right before the world incinerates around them.

Sorcery of Thorns was an intriguing book. I loved the fact that Elisabeth worked in one of the libraries and its not a. normal library it holds magical grimoires. Elisabeth knows a lot about the grimoires and treats the books with respect because she knows what will happen if she doesn’t. When Elisabeth is implicated in the crime she is forced to go with Nathaniel who will take her to her trial. Nathaniel is the best I love his dialogue, he’s smart and quick with his replies. Obviously Nathaniel shows Elisabeth that not all sorcerers are alike. Nathaniel also has a demon named Silas who is just as great he’s basically Nathaniel’s right hand. Anyway things really start picking up in this book when Elisabeth realizes that the grimoire that was taken from her library isn’t the only one and that more of these incidents are going to happen at the other great libraries. I liked Nathaniel and Elisabeth’s teamwork and how it went from skepticism on Elisabeth’s side to learning to trust Nathaniel.

I loved the characters in this book and the world building, the magic system is pretty great too. Elisabeth’s quest to save the world she loves is endearing and I liked how she was able to expand her horizons and understand that things she might have first believed can be wrong. This book was amazing and I loved how different it was from the books I’ve recently read.

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