WHITE RABBIT By Caleb Roehrig

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WHITE RABBIT By Caleb RoehrigWhite Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig
Published by Feiwel & Friends on 4/24/18
Genres: LGBT, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 330
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Rufus Holt is having the worst night of his life. It begins with the reappearance of his ex-boyfriend, Sebastian—the guy who stomped his heart out like a spent cigarette. Just as Rufus is getting ready to move on, Sebastian turns up out of the blue, saying they need to "talk." Things couldn’t get worse, right?

Then Rufus gets a call from his sister April, begging for help. He and Sebastian find her, drenched in blood and holding a knife beside the dead body of her boyfriend, Fox Whitney.

April swears she didn’t kill Fox. Rufus knows her too well to believe she’s telling him the whole truth, but April has something he needs. Her price is his help. Now, with no one to trust but the boy he wants to hate yet can’t stop loving, Rufus has one night to clear his sister’s name . . . or die trying.

Short and Sweet Review

Rufus is having a pretty bad night, its the 4th of July and he’s at a party and his ex-boyfriend Sebastian decides he wants to talk, but there’s no time for that because Rufus’s half sister April calls and says she needs help. When Rufus and Sebastian find April at her boyfriend Fox’s cottage, Fox is dead and April is drenched in his blood holding the knife. April swears she didn’t do it and now Rufus has one night to prove it.

The mystery in this book was good. April was at a small gathering at her boyfriends house with four other people and one of them is the killer. Rufus is basically an outcast and he knows that the popular kids at the party won’t talk to him which is why he’s lucky that Sebastian wants to help him. Fox was killed for reasons deeper than someone just not liking him there were drugs involved too. I think my biggest problem with this book was how people treated Rufus and talked to him, including his dad and April. There were a lot of homophobic comments made and it made me uncomfortable mainly because of how far the characters took things.

The story was good but the suspects were pretty shitty people and they would make my skin crawl with how they thought their privilege allowed them to act and say whatever they wanted.

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