THE LOST By Natasha Preston

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE LOST By Natasha PrestonThe Lost by Natasha Preston
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 3/26/19
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 306
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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It's a fight for survival in a building designed to ensure that no one makes it out alive.

In Piper's hometown, teenagers keep disappearing, and everyone assumes they're just a bunch of runaways. But when yet another person vanishes, Piper and her best friend Hazel suspect something more sinister is going on.

So they decide to investigate, determined to learn the truth. Their search for answers leads them to the source of the missing…and their captors. Piper and Hazel suddenly find themselves locked away in a secluded property in the middle of a privately owned forest.

But the building isn't only meant to keep them imprisoned; every room is a test to see if they can make it out alive.

And failure means being lost…forever.

Short and Sweet Review

Teenagers in Piper’s hometown are going missing. Piper and her friend Hazel get the bright idea that they should investigate. Piper and Hazel go to a party and end up leaving with two guys who are the actual kidnappers. The girls are taken to some secluded warehouse in the middle of the forest. In the warehouse there are the other teens that have gone missing and they inform the girls that there are six rooms made to torture them. Each room is made to break a person and if they can survive it they may be able to make it out of this situation alive.

This book read like an episode of Criminal Minds. Piper and Hazel were naive, like why did they think that they were going to be the ones to solve this mystery of missing teens and then they ended up getting taken themselves. In the warehouse they meet four other teens who have been there a various amount of time. The different rooms are: sound, light, sleep deprivation, temperature, one with water, and one where there was supposed to be like a fight to the death. Room zero is where people fight to the death and it’s mentioned but Piper never goes to that room. In this place Piper tries to take on the role of a leader which doesn’t go over well with everyone, and Hazel just gets insufferable, the situation obviously isn’t ideal but she is the biggest pessimist in the room. Anyway we see Piper endure some of the rooms and we see other characters come and go into them. The main thing everyone wants to do is get out alive and see their families. The captors are deranged and honestly I think the best thing about this book like I mentioned before was that it was like an episode of Criminal Minds, it really added a lot of suspense to the book. In the end there was another captor who just came out the woodwork and you can tell that everyone who came up with the idea of kidnapping people and making them endure such crazy things is not right in the head.

Overall the concept was great but the characters were horrible and so was the ending. I think that’s a common theme in Preston’s books, the endings just throw me off so much that the book becomes off-putting to me. This was an okay book but I don’t think Preston’s books are really for me.

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