CREEP: A LOVE STORY By Lygia Day Peñaflor

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CREEP: A LOVE STORY By Lygia Day PeñaflorCreep: A Love Story by Lygia Day Peñaflor
Published by Clarion Books on 9/27/22
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 269
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Laney Villanueva and Nico Fiore are the perfect couple: beautiful, popular, talented, and hopelessly in love. Everyone looks up to them at Holy Family High School.

But Rafi doesn’t just admire them. She watches them. She’s drawn to them.

Intent on becoming their closest friend, Rafi weaves her way into their lives. She starts small: taking photos of the senior class for the yearbook, joining Laney’s club, and babysitting Nico's little sister. And it works—soon they invite her to parties, take her on joyrides, and ask her for favors. Rafi’s actions quickly turn invasive, delving deeper and deeper until she’s consumed by their most intimate secrets.

When tragedy strikes the young lovers, Rafi’s obsession spirals, and she will do anything to keep the perfect couple together. Anything . . .

Short and Sweet Review

Laney and Nico are the perfect couple, at least they are in Rafi’s mind. She watches them and takes it one step further by infiltrating herself into their lives. She starts babysitting Nico’s younger sister, she goes to parties with them, and even gets rides home from them. This isn’t enough for Rafi, she wants to know everything about them, but when it seems like things aren’t going great for the couple, Rafi will do anything to keep them together.

I get the concept of the book, I really do. Rafi is obsessed with Laney and Nico and it’s uncomfortable how she’s not self aware that their kindness is not an actually invitation for her to do the things she’s doing. It’s kind of interesting because this is not the first time Rafi has become obsessed with someone, she’s not a first time offender. I think it would be nice to know what made her the way she is but I think that could be attributed to her parents relationship not working out. Reading from Rafi’s POV and seeing how delusional she is was hard, it also made me feel like I was creeping with her. The ending was not good. ITs not often that I don’t want a main character win but Rafi is not a character I liked, I kind of wanted her to get locked up and evaluated but that’s not what happened. Again I get what was happening her but maybe the execution didn’t work as well as it was supposed to.

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