Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE OF LARA CRAFT by Lola SaltThe Extraordinary Life of Lara Craft by Lola Salt
Published by Alula Press Genres: New Adult
Source: Publisher
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Lara Craft’s life involved quite a bit of tribulation. No job, no boyfriend in fact nothing was going right for her and she needed a serious change. So when Lara was offered a job that would allow her to travel around the world,  she jumped at the opportunity given to her. What followed was a story filled with Lara’s hilarious escapades as she embarked on her exciting new career. I absolutely LOVED Lara. She was such a funny, crazy character. Trouble seemed to follow her around every corner. The scenarios that she found herself in were funny and she seemed to meet the most eccentric of characters. With every new job, came another entertaining adventure. There was never a dull moment. If you are in need of a good laugh and want a book to put a smile on your face, I would recommend The Extraordinary Life of Lara Craft to you.

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