GODS & MONSTERS By Shelby Mahurin

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

GODS & MONSTERS By Shelby MahurinGods & Monsters by Shelby Mahurin
Series: Serpent & Dove #3
Published by HarperTeen on 7/27/21
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 624
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Lou has spent her whole life running. Now, after a crushing blow from Morgane, the time has come to go home—and claim what is rightfully hers.

But this is no longer the Lou her friends knew. No longer the Lou who captured a chasseur’s heart. A darkness has settled over her, and this time it will take more than love to drive it out.

Short and Sweet Review

*Let me just start out saying that this review may have some spoilers, and for that I’m sorry!*

Gods & Monsters continues where Blood & Honey left off. (It took me a long time to read this book after I read #2 so don’t really remember what happened before.) Lou, Reid, Coco, and Beau are still traveling trying to avoid Morgane and the blood witches and trying to find allies to help them end this war. The synopsis says that there’s something wrong with Lou, and there is, she’s being possessed. After the group figures that whole situation out they continue their quest, make a few alliances and prepare for the battle that will end it all.

I will say that I did enjoy this book a lot more than Blood & Honey, there was more action and more meaningful decisions being made. We see Reid sacrifice his memories to save Lou’s life, and I just liked seeing Lou make Reid fall back in love with her it reminded me of the first book and how it went from him hating her to loving her. I would say that having Beau and Coco along for the ride was amazing and I kind of wish those two were a couple. Coco is the one who is always thinking logically, and Beau he was always cracking jokes even when it wasn’t the right time for it. I did like seeing all the sacrifices that had to be made and seeing Lou realize that it does pay off to have hope. The ending was good, it wasn’t spectacular, but we’ve been working up to this moment since the first book.

Overall, this trilogy had a lot of ups and downs and I do think that Gods & Monsters left everything off on a good note!

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