by Stacey Jay

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

PRINCESS OF THORNS by Stacey JayPrincess of Thorns by Stacey Jay
Published by Random House Children's Books on 2014-12-09
Genres: Young Adult
Pages: 400
Source: Publisher
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Game of Thrones meets the Grimm’s fairy tales in this twisted, fast-paced romantic fantasy-adventure about Sleeping Beauty’s daughter, a warrior princess who must fight to reclaim her throne. Though she looks like a mere mortal, Princess Aurora is a fairy blessed with enhanced strength, bravery, and mercy yet cursed to destroy the free will of any male who kisses her. Disguised as a boy, she enlists the help of the handsome but also cursed Prince Niklaas to fight legions of evil and free her brother from the ogre queen who stole Aurora’s throne ten years ago. Will Aurora triumph over evil and reach her brother before it’s too late? Can Aurora and Niklaas break the curses that will otherwise forever keep them from finding their one true love?

Aurora and her brother are the twin children of the Sleeping Beauty legend, whose fate went awry when she was awakened early. Aurora is the key to stopping the trolls, including her evil stepmother, from taking over. Yet, she must face the trolls because they’re holding her brother hostage.

Princess of Thorns had many elements to the story that I liked. It has a character in disguise (Aurora pretending to be her brother). Aurora’s companion on her quest is Niklaas, a prince from a neighboring kingdom who is desperate to marry her (which is awkward, since he thinks she’s her brother). He’s living out the story of the seven swans, and only has a short time left as a human. However, he’s not willing to just give up his secrets, which makes his life more difficult.

Princess of Thorns is a compelling read for any fairytale fan. It stitches several together including Little Red Riding Hood while still managing to do its own thing. I would recommend Princess of Thorns to my friends.

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