PROM HOUSE By Chelsea Mueller

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

PROM HOUSE By Chelsea MuellerProm House by Chelsea Mueller
Published by Underlined on 5/4/21
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 245
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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When Kylie walks into the gorgeous beach house, it’s a dream come true. She still can’t believe she talked her parents into letting her spend the weekend down the shore with her boyfriend, Liam, after prom. Kylie, Liam, and their friends have rented the most amazing party house—and it’s all theirs. Prom was awesome, but this is going to be even better.

Except there’s a little problem. A violent storm hits the beach and the power goes out—with no sign that it’s coming back anytime soon. Roughing it with candles and camping lanterns isn’t the vibe they were going for, but everyone wants to make the most of it. Until people start disappearing . . . and turning up dead. Kylie is terrified. Is somebody’s prom date a killer?

Short and Sweet Review

After Prom, Kylie and her boyfriend head to the prom house, a house that her friends rented for an after party. But a violent storm is coming and when the power goes out the teens realize that their friends are starting to go missing and found dead.

Prom House reminds me of other books that follow the same premise of a group going in a house and then people end up dead and now we’re at a point where we have to find out who did it. Anyway these teens think they’re going to party it up at the house but when the they find one of their friends dead they call the cops, when the cops come the body has disappeared. The cops think the group is lying and leaves the group to hunker down while a tropical storm is on the way. Kylie is suspicious of everyone but doesn’t know who could possibly be trying to kill them, but she comes to the realization that the killer is one of her friends in the house. Kylie’s thoughts were all over the place and it made her unlikeable. Prom House was predictable but very poorly executed. There’s a lot of books that follow this same concept that are entertaining and worth the read, but this book missed the mark by a lot.

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