Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DIE TONIGHT By Kalynn BayronYou're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron
Published by Bloomsbury YA on 6/20/23
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, LGBT, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 204
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Charity has the summer job of her dreams, playing the “final girl” at Camp Mirror Lake. Guests pay to be scared in this full-contact terror game, as Charity and her summer crew recreate scenes from a classic slasher film, The Curse of Camp Mirror Lake. The more realistic the fear, the better for business.

But the last weekend of the season, Charity's co-workers begin disappearing. And when one ends up dead, Charity's role as the final girl suddenly becomes all too real. If Charity and her girlfriend Bezi hope to survive the night, they'll need figure out what this killer is after. As they unravel the bloody history of the real Mirror Lake, Charity discovers that there may be more to the story than she ever suspected . . .

Short and Sweet Review

Charity is working her dream job, she plays the final girl at Camp Mirror Lake. Guests who come to the camp pay to be scared. Charity and her coworkers reenact scenes from the horror film The Curse of Camp Mirror Lake. Charity begins to notice that some of her coworkers are disappearing but she brushes it off and thinks its a lack of work ethic. Charity calls up her friend Paige and girlfriend Bezi to come up and help with the final two days of scares and to close down afterwards. But everything at Camp Mirror Lake becomes real when Charity realizes that there actually is a killer who’s coming for her and her friends and now everyone has to figure out how to survive the night.

You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight is a horror/slasher film, but in a book version. Bayron did a great job setting up the atmosphere and the creepy vibe. You know a horror book is good when you’re on edge and wondering if you locked the doors, but I’m here to tell the tale because I made it through the night. Charity is one of those people that takes her job very seriously, she’s basically running the operation herself because the owner is never there. This summer is different though, Charity is used to turnover, but she wasn’t expecting to be short people so she invites her friend and girlfriend up to help cover those gaps. Charity starts to notice a mysterious person around camp and even worse her friends start to go missing. Charity finally learns the truth about the camp site and she knows that she has to get out of there. The camp history and the ending was pretty interesting, I’m still not sure what I think about the secret society it honestly threw me off and I’m not sure if it was good or bad, but it did add to the book.

You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight, is a good horror novel and even though it takes place in the summer I think it’d also be a good read in October during Halloween. I would recommend this book, its short and it definitely delivers on the scare factor!

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