HORROR HOTEL By Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HORROR HOTEL By Victoria Fulton and Faith McClarenHorror Hotel by Faith McClaren, Victoria Fulton
Series: Horror Hotel #1
Published by Underlined on 2/1/22
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 246
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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When the YouTube-famous Ghost Gang—Chrissy, Chase, Emma, and Kiki—visit a haunted LA hotel notorious for tragedy to secretly film after dark, they expect it to be just like their previous paranormal huntings. Spooky enough to attract subscribers—and ultimately harmless.

But when they stumble upon something unexpected in the former room of a gruesome serial killer, they quickly realize that they’re in over their heads.

Sometimes, it’s the dead who need our help—and the living we should fear.

Short and Sweet Review

The Ghost Gang consists of Chrissy, Chase, Emma, and Kiki, they make videos that are pretty popular on YouTube and this time they’re going to visit the Hearst Hotel. The hotel is known for paranormal activity and the group is ready to go into this thinking it’ll be like their previous ghost explorations. When the group stumbles upon a murder in the room of a former serial killer they realize there’s something very wrong.

When I started reading the book I saw parallels between the hotel and an actual hotel, The Cecil. The book uses a lot of the things that have happened at The Cecil and use it in the book, for example a character that recently died at the hotel was supposed to be like Elisa Lam, and also the serial killer that stayed at the hotel was a reference of Richard Ramirez. I do like the idea of a haunted hotel but I didn’t like how much they used actual events that occurred at The Cecil to do this. Anyway our four main characters each add something to the Ghost Gang, we get all four characters POVs but it’s clear that everything really revolves around Chrissy. Chrissy is a psychic and she’s able to see the ghost and read the minds of those around her. Chase is kind of like the leader the others look to him, Emma is the skeptic, and Kiki is the scaredy cat. Chase’s goal is to get 1 million subscribers on YouTube but when we get to the hotel we see his goal blinds him from acting like he has any sense and at some point it does end up pushing some of the other characters away. The book basically follows the group as they explore the hotel and try to get film for their new video. We see some ghost and even see a few murders. I will say that it was predictable and I was able to guess who the bad guy was.

Horror Hotel was an okay book, it was short and entertaining. I will say the downfall for me was the predictability, but if you’re into shows like Ghost Hunters than this is a fun book to read.

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