Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A MULTITUDE OF DREAMS By Mara RutherfordA Multitude of Dreams by Mara Rutherford
Published by Inkyard Press on 8/29/23
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Gothic, Retellings, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 351
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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The bloody plague is finally past, but what fresh horror lies in its wake?

Princess Imogen of Goslind has lived a sheltered life for three years at the boarded-up castle—she and the rest of its inhabitants safe from the bloody mori roja plague that’s ravaged the kingdom. But Princess Imogen has a secret, and as King Stuart descends further into madness, it’s at great risk of being revealed. Rations dwindle each day, and unhappy murmurings threaten to crack the facade of the years-long charade being played within the castle walls.

Nico Mott once enjoyed a comfortable life of status, but the plague took everyone and everything from him. If not for the generosity of a nearby lord, Nico may not have survived the mori roja’s aftermath. But does owing Lord Crane his life mean he owes him his silence?

When Lord Crane sends Nico to search for more plague survivors in the castle, Nico collides with a princess who wants to break out. They will each have to navigate the web of lies they’ve woven if they’re going to survive the nightmares ahead.

Short and Sweet Review

Princess Imogen has lived in Goslind for three years, the castle has been boarded up so that the people living in the castle could avoid catching the bloody mori roja plague which has ravaged most of the kingdom. Imogen has a secret that she’s been hiding for the past three years and its getting closer to being revealed each day, not only does she have to worry about that but the king is slowly descending into madness.

Nico Mott on the other hand used to live a good life before the plague took everything and everyone from him, if it wasn’t for Lord Crane, Nico would also have succumbed to the plague. Nico and two other boys are tasked by Lord Crane to travel to the castle to see if anyone else has survived the plague. When Nico runs into Imogen and learns she wants to leave, he has to stall to keep them alive and away from the horrors that lie outside of the castle walls.

A Multitude of Dreams is a retelling of Edgar Allan Poe’s A Masque of the Red Death. I haven’t read Poe’s story but I did enjoy what Rutherford wrote. Princess Imogen is actually someone named Seraphina, who has been pretending to be the princess after her death and to keep the king happy. Seraphina knows she’s walking on eggshells, especially around princess Giselle who makes her distain for Seraphina well known. The king seems okay but if triggered he goes off. Seraphina wants to know what life outside the castle is like, she’s also Jewish and has seen her people persecuted so she’s sure her family isn’t alive but she still has hope that maybe someone survived. Because of her want to be outside of the castle Seraphina becomes close to Lord Greymont who suggests she should bring it up to the king. Nico on the other hand is on the way to the castle and realizes that Lord Crane isn’t the man he thought he was. Nico ends up getting into the castle and meeting Seraphina. Nico, Seraphina, and a few others make a plan to get out of the castle but first they have to get past the undead and Lord Crane.

Seraphina is a great character, she says what she means and isn’t afraid to voice her opinion, it throws some people off because they don’t think that’s how a princess should act but Seraphina isn’t a princess she’s just pretending. Nico on the other hand feels a strong obligation to make things right and to protect those around him. I did like how there was a sense of romance but that was put on the back burner until these two could solve the more pressing matters at hand. The idea of the plague was pretty well done and I liked how even after contracting the plague there was still a possibility of the people to become undead.

This was an exciting book! I loved that both Seraphina and Nico had woven a web of lies to stay alive and now their lives are on the line. There was a lot of suspense about what would happen to those inside and outside of the castle. The writing was well done and it was a good take on Poe’s story. Check out this book when it’s released!

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