MOCKINGJAY By Suzanne Collins

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MOCKINGJAY By Suzanne CollinsMockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Series: The Hunger Games #3
Published by Scholastic Press on 8/24/10
Genres: Action & Adventure, Dystopian, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 339
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss Everdeen.

Short and Sweet

The 75th hunger games didn’t go as planned and if you thought President Snow was angry before, watch out! Katniss and Finnick were rescued from the arena and taken to district 12, while Peeta, Johanna, and whoever else was alive in the arena were taken to the capitol. In district 13 Katniss meets Alma Coin, who is looking to be the new president but needs Katniss’s help. Katniss needs to become the Mockingjay and help lead the revolution against the capitol and President Snow. Katniss agrees as long as Coin also agrees to rescue Peeta and pardon him.

This is the final book of The Hunger Games trilogy and everything was leading up to this moment, Katniss being the face of a revolution and hope. Katniss’s main focus in this book is keeping those she loves safe, saving Peeta, and finally getting rid of President Snow. Katniss is taken around to different districts to see the destruction left behind by the Capitol and this really gets her motivated and she gives messages not only to the districts but also to President Snow. Peeta is eventually rescued but his time in the capitol changed him and his reunion with Katniss isn’t a happy one. I will say I did like how the champions who have competed in the hunger games all deal with their PTSD and we see how Katniss and Peeta are really haunted by their past.

I did enjoy this final installment, I will say I think Catching Fire was my favorite book. This book was focused on the revolution and we see Katniss figure out who was truly the enemy. I loved the ending and that goes back to Katniss working through some things. The ending was good but also a little bittersweet in a way. The Hunger Games was an exciting series and we see over the course of the three books the climax build to finally lead us here and overall it was successful. This trilogy was filled with excitement and characters who are clever and who you grow to love. The Hunger Games trilogy is one I can see myself picking up again in the future just to relive everything.

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