ALL OF OUR DEMISE By Amanda Foody and C.L. Herman

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ALL OF OUR DEMISE By Amanda Foody and C.L. HermanAll of Our Demise by Amanda Foody, C.L. Herman
Series: All of Us Villains #2
Published by Tor Teen on 8/30/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, LGBT, Young Adult
Pages: 474
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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For the first time in this ancient, bloodstained story, the tournament is breaking. The boundaries between the city of Ilvernath and the arena have fallen. Reporters swarm the historic battlegrounds. A dead boy now lives again. And a new champion has entered the fray, one who seeks to break the curse for good... no matter how many lives are sacrificed in the process.

As the curse teeters closer and closer to collapse, the surviving champions each face a choice: dismantle the tournament piece by piece, or fight to the death as this story was always intended.

Long-held alliances will be severed. Hearts will break. Lives will end. Because a tale as wicked as this one was never destined for happily ever after.

Short and Sweet Review

In All of Us Villains we saw that the tournament was breaking and in All of Our Demise we pick up right where the last book ended. Briony, Finley, and Isobel are trying to end the tournament by bringing the relics to the landmarks and destroying them. Gavin and Alistair aren’t convinced and are still playing the tournament with the intentions of winning on their minds.

All of Our Demise felt like a race against the clock. We have one group racing to take down the blood veil and the other two teaming up to try to take them down. Even though we had everyone’s POVs I feel like Briony and Alistair were the main characters and the others were kind of secondary. There was a lot of character development in this book which I appreciated. Each of our characters are complex and have their own problems they’re trying to solve through the course of this book and through that we see how they’ve grown and are continuing to grow. Alistair learns that he’s worth loving, Briony that she is worth saving, Gavin learned that people care about him. I did like seeing the romance between the different characters, it didn’t feel like instalove but something that has been naturally working its way to the surface. The Magick system is still unique and its interesting watching the characters use it and learning about their curse rings and the different spells. The story gets a little more complicated because the press is more involved and there’s also some news about a conspiracy with some of the families involvement with the government. I thought this book was a little long and at some points lagged but it did pick up in the end and I did like when both groups came together and realized that they have a common goal.

Overall, this duology was exciting and filled with action and magick. I did like the characters but I wish it wasn’t as slow as it was. The ending was good and everything was wrapped up nicely, I would recommend this book especially if you enjoy high stakes competitions but with a twist of magic.

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