Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WRATH BECOMES HER By Aden PolydorosWrath Becomes Her by Aden Polydoros
Published by Inkyard Press on 10/10/23
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Young Adult
Pages: 302
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Vera was made for vengeance.

Lithuania, 1943. A father drowns in the all-consuming grief of a daughter killed by the Nazis. He can’t bring Chaya back from the dead, but he can use kishuf — an ancient and profane magic — to create a golem in her image. A Nazi killer, to avenge her death.

When Vera awakens, she can feel her violent purpose thrumming within her. But she can also feel glimpses of a human life lived, of stolen kisses amidst the tragedy, and of a grisly death. And when she meets Akiva, she recognizes the boy with soft lips that gave warm kisses. But these memories aren’t hers, and Vera doesn’t know if she gets—or deserves—to have a life beyond what she was made for.

Vera’s strength feels limitless—until she learns that there are others who would channel kishuf for means far less noble than avenging a daughter’s death. As she confronts the very basest of humanity, Vera will need more than what her creator gave her: Not just a reason to fight, but a reason to live.

Short and Sweet Review

Vera is a golem and she was made for vengeance. The man who made Vera made her in his daughters image and he needs Vera to go after the men who killed her. Vera knows what her purpose is and because of the magic that was used to make her she is also able to see glimpses of Chaya’s memories. Vera meets Akira a boy she recognizes from the memories instilled in her. Vera finds out that there are other golems being made but not for the purpose she was but for destruction now Vera feels the need to fight for more than what she was created for.

Wrath Becomes Her is a very interesting book in that our main character is a golem, she’s not even human and she doesn’t really have her own will. Ezra is the man that created Vera and he made her after his daughter Chaya was killed by Nazis, now its up to Vera to use the memories she has to hunt down those men. Ezra goes missing and Vera wants to find him and that’s when she goes on this journey with Akira. I think Akira and Vera are supposed to be a romantic item but it didn’t work for me he was calling Vera by Chaya’s name and Vera only knew him because of Chaya’s memories. Anyway along the journey they encounter Nazis who Vera obviously kills, but during this journey Vera learns that she’s able to do more than what Ezra created her for. Vera may have been created just for vengeance but after learning that other golems are being made for nefarious reasons she takes it upon herself to do what she can to stop it. I do believe that Vera had some character growth, she wasn’t a character I really enjoyed but I did have to remember that she wasn’t human, she was made of clay and made for the purpose of killing.

Overall, this book had a unique story and I did enjoy the Jewish folklore that was included. I do think my biggest problem was Vera’s character and her lack of emotions and how hard it was for her to understand that she was able to do things of her own will. Some elements in the book didn’t work but it was still a good read.

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