Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE ROSEWOOD HUNT By Mackenzie ReedThe Rosewood Hunt by Mackenzie Reed
Published by HarperTeen on 10/31/23
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 364
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Lily Rosewood has lived with her grandmother since her dad’s death a year ago. She and Gram have always been close—Gram’s role as chair of their family’s luxury coat business has inspired Lily’s love of fashion, and Lily hopes to follow in Gram’s footsteps one day.

Then Gram dies suddenly, and Lily’s world is upended. Gram’s quarter of a billion dollar fortune is missing, and Lily has been banned from the manor she and Gram shared.

But Gram has always loved games, and even in death, she still has a few tricks up her couture sleeve. When Lily and three other seemingly random teens get letters from Gram sending them on a treasure hunt around Rosetown, they hope the fortune will be the reward. But they’re not the only ones hunting for Gram’s treasure, and soon the hunt becomes more dangerous than they ever could have imagined.

Short and Sweet Review

Lily Rosewood has lived with her grandmother since the death of her father. Iris Rosewood is the Rosewood Inc current chair and all Lily wants is for her grandmother to teach her everything. Unfortunately, Gram dies suddenly and Lily doesn’t know what’s next for her in life, but when its revealed that her Gram’s fortune has gone missing Lily is really lost. Gram used to leave notes with invisible ink on them for Lily and Lily has a feeling that Gram left a few clues behind for her to find the fortune.

Lily Rosewood is bold and impulsive and though we don’t see a lot of it in this book it is mentioned that her past behavior led people to believe she was entitled. Though we don’t see a lot of the entitlement we see it in the first seen when she thinks her gram should have left something to her instead of her cousin Daisy. When Gram dies and no one knows where the fortune is Lily becomes confused and starts to investigate. During her investigation she learns that gram has left notes with 3 other people that Lily knows but isn’t exactly friends with. Over the course of a few days we see the four teens work together to try to follow the clues that gram has left around town and find the fortune. But things aren’t so easy especially when the group learns that there’s a group of treasure hunters following them and are willing to kill to get the fortune before they do. This book had more than just a treasure hunt aspect to it. We see a group of teens who may know each other but aren’t friends band together for one common goal. I also loved seeing fractured relationships in this book mended, my favorite one being Lily and Daisy. I did love going around town and trying to decipher the clues, that where left in pretty obscure places. One of the things that surprised me was how close knit the Rosewood family seemed but a lot of things were revealed during the whole book that are surprising but in the end make sense because things get crazy when money is involved.

Overall, this was a fun and adventurous book, and I love how Gram wanted to make a statement that money isn’t the most important thing in the world and the relationships that were forged during the Rosewood Hunt was amazing. This is a book that is worth the read, check it out!

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