THEIR VICIOUS GAMES By Joelle Wellington

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THEIR VICIOUS GAMES By Joelle WellingtonTheir Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington
Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on 7/25/23
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 415
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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You must work twice as hard to get half as much.

Adina Walker has known this the entire time she’s been on scholarship at the prestigious Edgewater Academy—a school for the rich (and mostly white) upper class of New England. It’s why she works so hard to be perfect and above reproach, no matter what she must force beneath the surface. Even one slip can cost you everything.

And it does. One fight, one moment of lost control, leaves Adina blacklisted from her top choice Ivy League college and any other. Her only chance to regain the future she’s sacrificed everything for is the Finish, a high-stakes contest sponsored by Edgewater’s founding family in which twelve young, ambitious women with exceptional promise are selected to compete in three mysterious events: the Ride, the Raid, and the Royale. The winner will be granted entry into the fold of the Remington family, whose wealth and power can open any door.

But when she arrives at the Finish, Adina quickly gets the feeling that something isn’t quite right with both the Remingtons and her fellow competitors, and soon it becomes clear that this larger-than-life prize can only come at an even greater cost. Because the Finish’s stakes aren’t just make or break…they’re life and death.

Adina knows the deck is stacked against her—it always has been—so maybe the only way to survive their vicious games is for her to change the rules.

Short and Sweet Review

Adina has had to work hard for a lot of things in life. She attends Edgewater Academy on a scholarship and ended up getting into the Ivy League school of her choice, but one fight ends up getting her blacklisted from the school and trying to figure out what her options are. The Remington family has a lot of power in town and they have a competition called The Finish. The Finish is a contest that has 12 of the most ambitious girls compete in three different events and the winner gets the Remington family’s power to get what they want, and Adina just wants to be able to go to Yale. Adina is invited to the finish but it wasn’t a competition where people get eliminated and go home, they die.

The synopsis of this book is what really drew me in, but I initially thought that The Finish would be more like The Hunger Games, but this was kind of like The Selection but more cut throat. The Finish takes place in a mansion and all the girls are together, every other girl knows what she’s in for except for Adina. After the first girl dies it’s made very clear for Adina that she needs to get with the program or die. Not only is the prize for the winner to become part of the Remington fold but it’s really to win the heart of Pierce Remington. Although most of the girls are there to win Pierce, Adina ends up making a connection with his older brother Graham who ends up helping her out for the three challenges. The first challenge is the ride, the next is the raid, and the last is the Royale. I didn’t particularly care for any of the challenges I was more invested in who was going to die next and which girl would show her true colors. This book was just okay to me, I can’t really pinpoint what element didn’t hold my interest but maybe it was Adina. Adina was like hot and cold towards Graham who was invested in making sure she stayed safe and alive and it was almost like she didn’t appreciate the help it was weird and it threw me. Also the beginning of the book starts off slow and some of the focus on the challenges wasn’t necessary, for example we spent two to three chapters talking about the ride when we didn’t have to. Anyway the ending was chaotic and it was interesting to see how everything played out. The Remington house was beautiful in the beginning but in the end it became a house of horrors.

Overall, this book was just okay to me. For some reason it felt like there were times where a lot was happening and then. there’d be a lull in the action and Adina was not my favorite character. I did like the premise and seeing how things did play out though. I do think that other people should give this book a shot, because there was honestly more good attributes to this book than the bad, for me anyway.

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