LOVE & OLIVES By Jenna Evans Welch

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

LOVE & OLIVES By Jenna Evans WelchLove & Olives by Jenna Evans Welch
Series: Love & Gelato #3
Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on 11/10/20
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 509
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Liv Varanakis doesn’t have a lot of fond memories of her father, which makes sense—he fled to Greece when she was only eight. What Liv does remember, though, is their shared love for Greek myths and the lost city of Atlantis. So when Liv suddenly receives a postcard from her father explaining that National Geographic is funding a documentary about his theories on Atlantis—and will she fly out to Greece and help?—Liv jumps at the opportunity.

But when she arrives to gorgeous Santorini, things are a little…awkward. There are so many questions, so many emotions that flood to the surface after seeing her father for the first time in years. And yet Liv doesn’t want their past to get in the way of a possible reconciliation. She also definitely doesn’t want Theo—her father’s charismatic so-called “protégé”—to witness her struggle.

And that means diving into all that Santorini has to offer—the beautiful sunsets, the turquoise water, the hidden caves, and the delicious cuisine. But not everything on the Greek island is as perfect as it seems. Because as Liv slowly begins to discover, her father may not have invited her to Greece for Atlantis, but for something much more important.

Short and Sweet Review

Olive who prefers to be called Liv hasn’t seen her father in 9 years, when Liv was 8 he moved to Greece in pursuit of finding Atlantis. Now at 17 Liv is trying to figure out what she wants to do with her future and out of nowhere she gets a postcard from her father requesting her help with a project, her mother encourages her to go to Greece, and that’s how Liv ends up in Santorini meeting up with her father after 9 years and helping him make a documentary about Atlantis for National Geographic.

Love & Olives, is apart of the Love & Gelatos series but it’s more of a companion novel and honestly it’s my favorite book of the three. We see Liv arrive in Greece and she hasn’t seen her dad in 9 years so she’s apprehensive and standoffish. Liv thinks her dad has an obsession with finding Atlantis and it doesn’t help that when she gets to Greece she finds out he needs her help with a documentary about it. When Liv’s dad left she thought it was because he wanted to find Atlantis but later on in the book we learn what really happened and I did like the explanation it also shoes how Liv ended up coping with the loss of her father. We meet Theo, who is also helping Liv’s dad with the documentary, he’s the cameraman. There’s some sparks flying between Liv and Theo, but Liv has a boyfriend back home named Dax. Dax is a year older than Liv and I thought he was a dirtbag, he was one of those people only concerned about having things his way. He wanted Liv to go to the same college as him and when she seemed reluctant he got upset with her. I don’t know why she was pining over this guy but I;m glad some time away from him did her some good. Theo is one of those guys that tries to make you see the good in things and sometimes he overstepped but you could always tell he had good intentions. We follow the trio around Greece in their efforts to find evidence of Atlantis and although Liv doesn’t like it she does start to warm up and I liked that her relationship with her dad did flourish. The ending was full of emotions and I loved it. I will say this book was pretty long and I do think it could have been shortened just a bit.

Overall, this was a good book, it kept me reading and wishing that I could experience the beautifulness of Greece myself.

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