CURSED CRUISE By Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CURSED CRUISE By Victoria Fulton and Faith McClarenCursed Cruise by Faith McClaren, Victoria Fulton
Series: Horror Hotel #2
Published by Underlined on 3/19/24
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, LGBT, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 288
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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All aboard...

After their fateful stay at the Hearst Hotel, the Ghost Gang is back with more spooks and more subscribers. They’ve been invited to record onboard the RMS Queen Anne, a transatlantic luxury ocean liner with a colorful past of violent deaths of hundreds of passengers—souls that bought a one-way ticket to the afterlife (and never disembarked).

When Chrissy, Chase, Kiki, and Emma board the ship, they have a funny feeling they’ve been sucked into a ghostly time warp—a theory that takes a frightening turn when Chrissy goes missing on the first night.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the group, Chrissy has been sucked into another time by a passenger who wants the Ghost Gang to know her untimely death was not an accident and the perpetrator is still alive—and on board this ship.

Short and Sweet Review

After their stay at the Hearst Hotel the ghost gang has been invited to set sail on the RMS Queen Anne. The ship has a history of passengers dying violent deaths. While on board it’s Chrissy who realizes the ship isn’t just haunted it is being cursed.

The ghost gang is back and after their last video went viral they’ve gained a lot of subscribers. Now they’re going on the RMS Queen Anne to shoot another video for their channel and maybe even score a TV gig. It doesn’t take long for Chrissy to realize something is different about the hauntings on the ship compared to what she has dealt with before. In the book Chrissy ends up being possessed by one of the passengers who was previously on the ship who was murdered, and she won’t stop her haunting until the truth about her death is revealed. We see Chase, Emma, and Kiki try to learn more about the ship and the passengers who are currently ghost. Emma and Kiki are now an item in this book but they don’t really spend a lot of time together because they have bigger things to worry about. Same with Chase and Chrissy not spending a lot of time together but also Chrissy isn’t herself for most of the book. I did like that this book took place on a ship it had a Titanic feel to it and honestly I could say some of the undead passengers remind me of certain characters from the movie. The book started off a little slow but it really did pick up and I did enjoy following the each of the characters. Its a very quick read and once you get to the hauntings you won’t want to put the book down.

Cursed Cruise, was a good book. I was happy to see that Horror Hotel got a sequel and this book was just as good as the first. I’m hoping there’s going to be another installment in this series! I would recommend this book if you like reading about true stories but with a paranormal ghost twist to them!

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