FROZEN By Erin Bowman

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

FROZEN By Erin BowmanFrozen by Erin Bowman
Series: Taken #2
Published by HarperTeen on 4/15/14
Genres: Action & Adventure, Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Gray Weathersby has escaped Claysoot and uncovered the truth behind the Laicos Project and the Order's twisted plans. Determined to fight back, his small group of rebels is on the hunt for more answers and more allies—a search that will take them on a harrowing journey across a frozen wasteland, and even deeper into a world built on the Order's lies.

Short and Sweet Review

Gray has recently escaped Claysoot and has learned about the Orders plans. Gray and the small group of rebels he is with plan on fighting back but first they have to make it to find more allies. The group travels across treacherous land and they find answers but it only leads them to asking more questions about what the Order really has planned.

Frozen takes place after the events of Taken. Gray is traveling with his dad, Bree, Emma, and a few others that he met in the last book. Their goal is to find answers and find allies so there’s a lot of traveling going on in this book and also trying to avoid being caught by the Order. In this book we see Franks forgeries be put to use and some of them have infiltrated the rebel group and some of them are so good at pretending to be the person they look like that the group doesn’t even know that there’s forgeries among them. There’s really not going on in this book to be honest, the group is just trying to find someone to team up with that will eventually help them take out Frank and his army of forgeries. Gray wasn’t my favorite character I didn’t like how he would react to things, people were looking to him to make decisions but most of his decisions were pretty selfish and sometimes put the group in more danger. I will say that the love triangle between Gray, Emma, and Bree was annoying and unnecessary. Gray eventually thinks he should be with Bree but honestly them don’t seem like a great couple, when they’re good they’re good but when things go bad they’re both very reactive and not in a good way. The first 2/3 of the book are actually pretty boring but the last 1/3 of this book are when things start to pick up and there’s a lot of action, there’s also a twist that I wasn’t expecting.

Overall, this sequel was okay. I think the pacing could have been better. I’m hoping with how this book ended the third and final book in this trilogy will be better and leave me more satisfied than this book did.

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