THE NATURALS By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE NATURALS By Jennifer Lynn BarnesThe Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Series: The Naturals #1
Published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers on 11/5/13
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Romance, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 321
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Seventeen-year-old Cassie is a natural at reading people. Piecing together the tiniest details, she can tell you who you are and what you want. But, it's not a skill that she's ever taken seriously. That is, until the FBI come knocking: they've begun a classified program that uses exceptional teenagers to crack infamous cold cases, and they need Cassie.

What Cassie doesn't realize is that there's more at risk than a few unsolved homicides-especially when she's sent to live with a group of teens whose gifts are as unusual as her own. Soon, it becomes clear that no one in the Naturals program is what they seem. And when a new killer strikes, danger looms close. Caught in a lethal game of cat and mouse with a killer, the Naturals are going to have to use all of their gifts just to survive.

Short and Sweet Review

Cassie has the ability to read people and piece together things she notices about them to form a full picture. She’s had this skill for a while but its not anything she’s taken seriously until the FBI comes knocking and offers her the chance to join the naturals, a group of young adults with skills similar to her. Cassie accepts the offer in hopes that she can solve her mom’s cold case. Cassie is sent to live with the other naturals and hone her skills and look over unsolved crimes. There’s a new killer and this one is closer than anyone thought, and the naturals have to come together to solve this new case.

Cassie has the skills of a profiler, think about the FBI agents on Criminal Minds. When Cassie is recruited to join the naturals she meets, Michael, Dean, Lia, and Sloane. Each of these teens has a certain ability that allows them to figure someone out. Dean is another profiler, while Michael can spot someone’s emotions, Sloane is into math and statistics, and I think Lia is able to tell if someone is lying. Anyway they all live in this house together and they have FBI agents who are their mentors Agent Locke and Agent Briggs. I think this is different from other mysteries because of the profiling aspect. We get to see Cassie train and learn how to use her skills to be better. I will say because Dean was another profiler they had a connection but there was a love triangle. I found the love triangle to be unnecessary and I’m glad that by the end of the book we reigned that whole situation in. My least favorite character in this book was Lia, she just seemed like she enjoyed starting problems and for that reason she can go. We see Cassie learn what it takes to be a profiler and also she’s put in danger when someone starts to recreate her mothers murder and it seems like they’re trying to lure Cassie to the same fate. The ending was good but I will say it was kind of predictable but that could just be because I read so many mystery books that not much can surprise me.

Overall, this was a solid first book. I do think if you like Criminal Minds you’ll enjoy this book. I’m looking forward to reading the next books in the series just to see more growth from these characters and also to see how well they’ll solve future crimes as a team.

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