BLOOD JUSTICE By Terry J. Benton-Walker

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BLOOD JUSTICE By Terry J. Benton-WalkerBlood Justice by Terry J. Benton-Walker
Series: Blood Debts #2
Published by Tor Teen on 4/23/24
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, LGBT, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Pages: 463
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Cristina and Clement Trudeau have conjured the impossible: justice.

They took back their family’s stolen throne to lead New Orleans’ magical community into the brighter future they all deserve.

But when Cris and Clem restored their family power, Valentina Savant lost everything. Her beloved grandparents are gone and her sovereignty has been revoked—she will never be Queen. Unless, of course, someone dethrones the Trudeaus again. And lucky for her, she’s not the only one trying to take them down.

Cris and Clem have enemies coming at them from all directions: Hateful anti-magic protesters sabotage their reign at every turn. A ruthless detective with a personal vendetta against magical crime is hot on their tail just as Cris has discovered her thirst for revenge. And a brutal god, hunting from the shadows, is summoned by the very power Clem needs to protect the boy he loves.

Cris’s hunger for vengeance and Clem’s desire for love could prove to be their family’s downfall, all while new murders, shocking disappearances, and impossible alliances are changing the game forever.

Welcome back to New Orleans, where gods walk among us and justice isn’t served, it’s taken.

Short and Sweet Review

Blood Justice takes place nine months after the events of Blood Debts. Now that Clem and Cris have gotten justice for their family they realize that things aren’t going to be easier only more difficult because people are still coming for them. Clem is trying to figure out how to restore Yves back to his former self with very little luck, and Cris is out there trying to get blood justice and go after everyone who hurt her family. When the mayor ends up murdered and their mom gets the blame for it Cris and Clem get to work on trying to prove her innocence while also learning they have a lot of enemies in the city of New Orleans.

When I read Blood Debts I didn’t like it so I thought I was a bit crazy for requesting the sequel but this book exceeded my expectations. One of my biggest problems with the first book was the amount of different character POVs but I think in this book because I knew who the characters were it wasn’t too much of a problem. Clem and Cris are on different paths in this book, Clem is still trying to figure out how to fix Yves, and Cris has a lot of anger and she’s using it to get revenge. The thing that brings the siblings together is when they have to prove that their mom is innocent and find out who is actually causing all of the trouble. We also see Valentina who is still dealing with her grandparents death and she’s trying to figure out how to become the queen. There’s some new Gods in this book and one of them is not one to be messed with but he’s drawn to Clem and Cris. There’s a lot going on in this book but in a good way. I liked seeing Cris express her anger but also in the end she has a realization that she’s gone too far and someone who loves her pulls her back. Clem makes some sacrifices in this book. Out of the two siblings I think that Clem is the one who thinks more about how his actions will effect others, while Cris currently sees red. There was a lot of character development for both characters and I’m glad there was more to them in this book that I connected with. I will add that I enjoyed the mystery aspect in this book, we had murder, missing people, murdered peoples bodies being moved, it was great.

Overall, I loved this book. Blood Justice made me rethink how I feel about this series this was a redeeming book and now I can’t wait until the third book is released. The way this book ended just leaves you ready to see what will happen next and I’m excited to see what will happen to our characters and how they’re going to deal with the war that’s coming their way. I would definitely recommend Blood Justice, so go get it when it’s released!

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