MEMENTO NORA By Angie Smibert

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MEMENTO NORA By Angie SmibertMemento Nora by Angie Smibert
Series: Memento Nora #1
Published by Skyscape on 1/6/12
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 195
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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In Nora's world you don't have to put up with nightmares. Nora goes with her mother to TFC--a Therapeutic Forgetting Clinic. There, she can describe her horrible memory and take the pill that will erase it. But at TFC, a chance encounter with a mysterious guy changes Nora's life. She doesn't take the pill. And when Nora learns the memory her mother has chosen to forget, she realizes that someone needs to remember. With newfound friends Micah and Winter, Nora makes a comic book of their memories called Memento. It's an instant hit, but it sets off a dangerous chain of events. Will Nora, Micah, and Winter be forced to take the Big Pill that will erase their memories forever?

Short and Sweet Review

In Nora’s world if you have a memory you want to get rid of you can, you just have to go to the Therapeutic Forgetting Clinic or TFC. Nora recently had a nightmare she wants to forget so she accompanies her mother to the clinic. At the clinic Nora sees a boy spit out his pill and tells her to remember. That’s when Nora decides she doesn’t need the pill and spits it out as well. Now that Nora has chosen to keep her memories she now knows the memory her mother wants to forget and why she goes to the TFC so often. Nora befriends Micah and Winter and together they create a comic, Memento. The comic is a hit, but once it gets into the wrong hands the trio realizes they’re in danger.

The idea of this book is pretty cool I won’t lie, but also do you really want to forget certain things? Nora’s mother is dealing with domestic abuse and because she chooses to forget she continues to go back to the main who is abusing her so in that aspect forgetting isn’t such a great idea. I like that even though Nora didn’t even know Micah she was intrigued enough to follow his lead and spit out her pill. The problem with the comic that the trio makes is that it’s too similar to their lives so if someone knows them well enough they’ll know who made the comment even though their intentions were to be anonymous. Anyway the comic ruffles some feathers because certain people are making money off of the TCF and if people stop going that’s going to be a problem. I didn’t really connect to any of the characters and even though we get Nora and Micah’s POV they sounded the same.

Overall, this was an easy read and the story is interesting but not something that wowed me. It was just okay not bad and not great.

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