ONE KILLER PROBLEM By Justine Pucella Winans

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ONE KILLER PROBLEM By Justine Pucella WinansOne Killer Problem by Justine Pucella Winans
Published by HarperTeen on 6/4/24
Genres: Contemporary, LGBT, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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When Gianna “Gigi” Ricci lands in detention again, she doesn’t expect the glorified study hall to be her alibi.

But when she and her friends receive a mysterious email directing them to her favorite teacher, Mr. Ford's, room, they find him lying in a pool of blood. But calling the math teacher’s death an accident doesn’t add up, and Gigi needs all the help she can get to find the truth. Luckily, she’s friends with her high school’s Mystery Club, and so with her best friend, Sean, and longtime crush, Mari, Gigi sets out to solve a murder.

But it turns out that murderers are extremely unwilling to be caught, and the deeper Gigi gets in this mystery, the more dangerous things become. Between fending off a murderer, continual flare-ups of her IBS, and her archnemesis turning flirtatious, making it out of junior year is going to be one killer problem.

Short and Sweet Review

Gigi’s school has a mystery club but they’ve never solved a mystery themselves. When Gigi spends the afternoon in detention the last thing she expects is to get an email sending her to her favorite teachers classroom, unfortunately Gigi finds his dead body. Now Gigi and the mystery club which is composed of her best friends Mari and Sean have an actual mystery to solve and they have to do it fast because this killer means business.

Let me just start off by saying this was a great read. Gigi is an interesting character in that she knows martial arts and tends to get in a lot of trouble at school, hence why she’s in detention at the start of the book. Gigi ends up finding Mr. Ford’s dead body and obviously something like that is pretty rattling, but she does end up asking her friends Mari and Sean who started the mystery club to look into the circumstances of his death. The mystery club starts off with Gigi, Mari, and Sean, but we eventually get four more additions. The mystery was good and I like that it wasn’t obvious who the culprit was. We see that there’s a cheating scandal and the killer sends out threatening emails periodically which keeps our characters on their toes. I do like how there’s a lot of representation in this book whether it be LGBT rep or the fact that Gigi has IBS. I will say even though I did like Gigi she definitely needs to work on her anger because she would go off on characters and say things that would cut deep and I don’t think there was much character growth from that. Otherwise the book was funny and engaging.

Overall, One Killer Problem is a great mystery book with diverse group of characters and a plot that just brings everything together. Pick this book up and if you haven’t read Winans other books check them out!

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